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Demo Build Help

Posted in Donut Mod
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Even after apparently mounting it, I still get the same effect after clicking "Install/Uninstall" in the Launcher. Additionally, if I open Setup.exe, I DO get the "allow this program to make changes to your computer" message, but nothing happens if I click "Yes".
mine did take a couple of minutes this first time i did this could you try run it as administrator maybe that could work and does it allow you to open the screen with play and install and that
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5 yrs ago (Statistics)
How can I run Launch.exe as an administrator? Whenever I right-click it nothing happens.
sorry never read that right you could try delete the file and reinstall it might just be stuck
It seems to be fine now. I instead opened the ISO in File Explorer and it worked there. My guess is that CyberLink Power2Go was incompatible.
will at least it works now sorry that i was not that helpful
It's fine.
I went up into the Mr. Burns' Mansion backyard, and when I got near the top, I was told that the file "burns_mansion_interior_loop" was missing.

Anyway, does this version have Mod Launcher support?
dont think so but ill go up there the now and tell you if it happens to me
Ok, Does Lucas' Simpsons: Hit & Run Mod Launcher feature support for this version?