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Unused Gags Mod

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Ok will send them from email when in
thats them send msg if u have any problems or want anything else
Version 2.0. released! See the original post for a changelog. Thanks to mason12310 for supplying some files in order to add back unused Gags into Levels 3, 4, 6, and 7!
Looks like you didn't use the doll model from Models Resource.
The Moleman in Cadillac Is a Level 6 only gag, there's no Cadillac in Level 3!
it was due to me not sending him the model over if he wants it ill send him it
DeepFriedBurger Hi, good mod. Since as you know i've created the Beta Restoration mod, i want to ask you if i can add the gags into my mod. I would credit you.
Here's a link to the BlowUp Doll for the level 3-6 gag:
I don't know why, but both the blow-up doll and the moleman gags are invisible. The moleman also seems not to load at all.

Is the Moleman In Cadillac Gag not loading? That's odd. I'll have a look at that.
I do know about the model for the Blow-Up Doll Gag, but I'm not going to add it until I know how to. These will be added in a future update.

Also, yes, you can use this in your Beta Restoration Mod.

New version released! Don't get you're hopes up though, it's only a small change. See the main post for the changelog. I couldn't find any problem with the script for the Moleman In Cadillac Gag, although there may be something wrong with the instructions posted on the Talk page on The Cutting Room Floor that I used to re-enable it. Perhaps try again?