Forum Mod Bakery Docs

Fake Phone Booth 1.1

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It's a phone booth, right? Well yes and no.

This vehicle replaces the Duff Truck.

Fun Fact(s)
  • I originally used a cylinder with flat ends for collision. Whenever I drove into a ramp, it would frequently bounce the phone booth back for no reason even if there's no wall and if I was moving slowly. The biggest offenders that caused me to replace the collision with a box are the fire truck shortcut and the shortcut with that spinning cog at the Power Plant.
  • The horn is an unused sound in SHAR.
  • The direction the particle effect emits those sparkles depends on the direction the phone booth is facing. I originally thought the particle system was bugged because the sparkles were moving towards the phone rather than away from it. But that wasn't until I actually moved the phone booth to realize that it had to be facing a certain direction for it to work properly.
Of course I forgot to add the model of this for the shop preview. v1.1 adds that.
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3 yrs ago (Statistics)