Sorry to bombard this website with my dumb questions but this time I really need help. I made a backseat CBfH and I wanted to make the TrunkRot be the bubbledome that the character sits under. You get the idea, but it doesn't load the new points. I am using Lucas's P3D Editor v4.2.1
image file 1
image file 2
EDIT: I edited the animation coordinates for them, and it partially works, but I still need help. Anyone know why it's slanted and not aligned, I used the same coordinates as the TrunkRot for the PTRN TrunkRot "ROT" and "TRANS"
Here's the images:
P3D Editor 1:
P3D Editor 2:
Custom Car Built for Homer not accepting new skeleton point coordinates
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[deleted user] Sorry to bombard this website with my dumb questions but this time I really need help. I made a backseat CBfH and I wanted to make the TrunkRot be the bubbledome that the character sits under. You get
mazzy You will want to edit the animation/PTRN of the car instead of the skeleton itself. for that, edit the PTRN_carhom_v(Animation), not the skeleton.
it works with same kind of coords, there's littl
You will want to edit the animation/PTRN of the car instead of the skeleton itself. for that, edit the PTRN_carhom_v(Animation), not the skeleton.
it works with same kind of coords, there's little to figure out.
This also applies to any car with an animation, for example; redbrick, comic_v, siren cars and more!
I hope this helps a little.
it works with same kind of coords, there's little to figure out.
This also applies to any car with an animation, for example; redbrick, comic_v, siren cars and more!
I hope this helps a little.
[deleted user] Thanks for the help, but now it's... see for yourself (edited post)
Thanks for the help, but now it's... see for yourself (edited post)
mazzy hm I haven't really been working with ROT(s) before, but I'm assuming it's from there. try restoring the default position, and only edit the TRANS
hm I haven't really been working with ROT(s) before, but I'm assuming it's from there. try restoring the default position, and only edit the TRANS