Please note that the series is cancelled. It was a bad attempt at bad humour that descented into mockery with lame memes

In the end I came up with an idea of making these reviews in style of Cinemasins, you should probably know what this thing is
So, I'll be playing any possible mod I can get my hands on, and then
You can also post your mod suggestion under this thread!
NOTE: I am NOT actuallly critiquing mods, The CineModSins is created solely for entertainment purposes - I will roast every mod in every possible way, which doesn't mean I hate the mods I'm "reviewing". If I somehow made you feel bad about your mod - I'm sorry
The Videos
1. Homer The Detective
2. Annoy Squidward
3. Moe The Vigilante
4. Storm Over Springfield
5. A Christmas in Springfield
6. Cops: In Springfield
7. Mischievous Night
8. Springfield Noire (L1)
9. Springfield Noire (L2)
10. Springfield Noire (L3)
11. Sunday Drive
12. Night-mod (April Fools Special)
13. Some Law Enforcement Mod
14. Ooze and Booze (Cancelled)
15. Donut Mod 4 (Series Finale, cancelled)