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Dynamic Lighting

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At request from Colou, I've created a mod that allows you to dynamically set a lighting level. There are three methods in the mod:
  • Addition/Subtraction - This method gets the RGB values and increases them by the specified amount. This is a fixed increase on everything, though it has it's uses.
  • Percentage - This method gets the RGB values and then calculates a percentage of that value and sets it. Allows for more dynamic changes. Is recommended for casual playthroughs.
  • Fixed Value - This method sets the RGB value to one pre-defined value. Results in some weird possibilities.
As of v0.8, the mod is now compatible with all other story mods (tested on Donut Mod 4 Beta 2).

In order to change the lighting level of the game, every P3D file that contains any sort of model needs to be modified. If your PC does not have the required resources, you can encounter frame drops when entering loading zones. If this occurs, please enable the "Pre Load Data" setting. This will increase the game launch time by roughly 30 seconds, however all the files will be modified and cached, removing the frame drops.

Every chunk type needs to be manually specified in order to fix the lighting. I believe I have them all, but if any lighting looks wrong please let me know.

150% brightness:

25% brightness:

0% brightness:

Fixed Value #00FF00:

User-submitted screenshots

v0.8 changes:
Fixed gags not being modified
Fixed some chunks Donut Mod uses not being modified
Fixed mod not working with other mods by default
Added ability to pre-load files

v1.0 changes:
Massively optimised the colouring code
Added the colouring of the main menu
Added a few extra missing chunks

Download Here
Actually pretty neat. Shame you have used some rubbish screenshots, but i get the reason.

The LUA is also pretty impressive, doing it all dynamically and i also understood some of it since ive been fiddling with p3ds recently.

My only real criticism is that I often have huge fps drops when loading new areas and I have never had those sort of problems playing a released mod before so i doubt its efficiency but its a cool thing to play around with none the less.
The huge frame drops will be because it's modifying the newly loaded area on the fly. I can probably improve the code somewhat as well as cache things in memory. If you can get any better screenshots I'll update the post when I'm home on Monday.
This post has been removed.
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
Released v0.8:
Fixed gags not being modified
Fixed some chunks Donut Mod uses not being modified
Fixed mod not working with other mods by default
Added ability to pre-load files

Also updated post with better description and screenshots
v1.0 changes:
Massively optimised the colouring code
Added the colouring of the main menu
Added a few extra missing chunks

Now comfortable enough with the release to take it out of beta