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A specific challenge of mine crashes randomly............. (fantastic)

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I've been getting very ticked about a crash that has been happening constantly specifically when playing a certain challenge of mine for SCM V2.0.0. No matter how I (completely) redesign the challenge, it always crashes when either the challenge is beaten or some of the traffic gets blown up simultaneously when still playing the challenge, despite a similar challenge in Level 1 working just fine, and this being unable to be replicated on other challenges. I swear, the challenge used to work fine without crashing, but now these problems were introduced to my life somehow.

I had redesigned this challenge many times before I switched to Mod Launcher 1.12, and they all seemed stable. When I updated the Mod Launcher, I believe the challenge (and just that one challenge) somehow became a bit more prone to random crashing. My newest idea was created today with 1.12, and I had a feeling that the Mod Launcher has something to do with this. I really don't want to switch back to 1.11 since some of the new hacks that were recently added are very useful (speaking of which, I did not have any hacks enabled when these crashes occurred).

Once somebody requests a private file transfer, I'll send the files to that person only... if I fully trust that person. (Would a crash dump file be good too?)
Can you please send me all the scripts and P3D files used by your mission?

You can upload them to me privately here.
Oofa, looks like the problem is not the challenges' files, but rather my newer version of SCMMusic... I still don't understand why this is affecting that particular challenge as it only replaces Street Race 3 in Level 2, and the RMS file in SCMMusic doesn't even change anything related to the victory theme for Street Race 3 (bart_guit_007.rsd) as the new custom RSD files related to Street Race 3 only replace the "mission failed" themes. Level 1's SR3 doesn't seem to crash after beating it.

Eh, I guess I'll have to scrap those RSD files and revert the data in the RMS files back to what it was before I added those soundtracks.