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Level 8 - The Next Day (Cancelled)

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Okay, so, this was a nice effort, and I understand it's a demo, but there's a lot I'm gonna have to go through.

The sunset and lighting looks jarring at first but I got use to it the more I went along. But the interiors still treat it as if it's day, so maybe change that.

The menu text is really unfocused. Everything begins with a capital and is followed by lower case other than 'CANCEL MISSION' and 'BONUS GAME'. Also, what was the point of changing the menu text anyway? It just seems like you changing something 'cause you can. It doesn't look right.

What is that driving music? It's literally Homer 1 but pitched up. Other than it sounding ridiculously comedic and stupid, it constantly stutters and just seems lazy.

The roofed family sedan is a terrible level vehicle. It's boring to drive and has terrible stats (as it's just a remodeled version of the one from the original game). It feels lazy, like you added it because it was available to use, without thinking about how well it would work in missions.

For an '8th level' there is nothing here connecting it to the first 7. It seems more like a 'Homer does stuff' mod.

This is where the problems start. For a starter, this just feels like M0 from Donut Mod. You drive to the Kwik-E-Mart, drive to the grocery store and hit a truck and collect 5 things. On top of that, it's not interesting in the slightest.

Also, why the long time limit for the hit and collect stage 2:15 for 5 items? I finished it with 1:49 to spare. I'm not asking for a really difficult mod, just something balanced. This is way too easy.

The truck bit also seems like it's been pulled straight out of Bonestorm Storm. You start at the grocery store and it follows the same path.

Okay, first problem, this mission is just S-M-R-T with no Skinner and 2 avoid stages. It's extremely short and boring as there's nothing else to do.

There's also no way to lose this mission. There's no time limits or anything. Once again, not asking for anything really hard, but when the tutorial has a way to lose and this one doesn't, you gotta rethink it.

Bart's head is the only thing visible in the seat as the rest of his body is clipping through.

The triggers are way to small. You can avoid the first one by driving over the firetruck shortcut, going through the Kwik-E-Mart alleyway, and even passing by the corner that the trigger is on. They really need to be increased in size.

The Globex villain cars are way faster than you. They have L6 stats compared to your L1. I was just driving back and forth until I lost them. And this isn't me complaining about how hard it is, because there's no way to lose, so the high stats seem pointless. And they push you around due to their increased speed. It's really annoying.

Flanders being the starting character made me worry that this was gonna be the 3rd reused mission in a row so I was pleasently surprised when I saw an original mission objective.

Flander's car is terrible. I think it's slower than the family sedan and it's turning is way too stiff.

The milk truck is just M0's hit and collect with 3 more. And once again there's a really long time limit.

And Wiggum's avoid sequence is just M1's avoid sequences. And once again, he's way too fast compared to my car (I think he was worse than the M1 avoids to be honest) and has no time limit, so there are no stakes. It just feels like padding.

And speaking of padding, this mission and M1 (M0 is a tutorial, so it's acceptable) are way too short. M2 took me about 2 mins, and most of that was thanks to Wiggum being way too fast for no reason.

The Duff logo on the vending machines has the white background leftovers.

I also recommend adding dialogue as the method now just seems lazy to me. These aren't original characters or characters that had limited appearances, these characters have had nearly 32 years worth of lines, and you decide to use the objective method while adding no personality or any interesting to say.

Overall, the current missions definitely need to be reworked. They're either too short, too easy, pointless, copies of existing missions or irritating due to oversights about AI.
Speaking as a "co-developer" here, thanks for the feedback and suggestions. They've been passed on for consideration on what to tweak and exactly how to make the mod more enjoyable. A lot of these slipped through the cracks when testing. Not sure what's going on with the new Sunday Drive theme stuttering for you, works fine for us here.
Hi Tappie2020,

thank you for your review. We will keep your suggestions in consideration. Although, there are some considerations I have to do in answer.

  • This is my first attempt at changing the ambient light and you will probably know it is not something someone changes straight away when they think to a different time of the day. It is an advanced feature and I am really sorry for this not adding it to interiors.
  • I really can't understand why the main menu sounds "unfocused" to you. It looks fine to us. Plus, the not changing CANCEL MISSION is not my fault. I have set it to change in the INI but the game keeps it. You know, I am really precise on these things.
  • Again, I don't really understand why the music is so bad for you. We thought to an evening-like variant of Sunday Drive, I didn't just use the same music because I am lazy or childish.
  • This is not my fault. I was waiting for that car to be released and I didn't choose it because it was available. If you think it is "terrible" then it is Radical's fault, since I have not changed the CON.

  • I assure you I wasn't just copying Donut Mod. We had this idea just on the moment and we scripted it. I'd hate to copy an existing mod
  • That time limit is to remove. Sorry.
  • Unluckily, this is true, but this is not my fault. It was the best deal to create a mission like this. Is it a problem to you if we reuse an existing script? Modding is fun, not a job.

  • What else did you want to do? It is much different from SMRT aleady.
  • Yeah, time limits have to be changed. You know, my mod wasn't based upon time limits and difficulty stuff, It was again just for fun.
  • Not my fault. Again, Additional Script Functionality isn't a thing everyone uses, and it is pretty hard and uncommon, so you can't expect a starter modder group to be able to change things like this. I just copied the string to add Bart as a passenger, no matter if you can see him in the car.
  • The triggers are too small? You have to play the mission, so why trying to break it? I am changing this in next update, but I don't think of this as an issue.
  • We can change the car's scripts. I thought easycop.con was a bit too dumb for an AI.

  • Your initial statement is not really polite. Do you perhaps mean the previous missions didn't have original objectives? Do you perhaps recall seeing lose the tail segments in vanilla M1? Maybe they weren't well worked but you can't just say they are not original just because you say they are similar to Donut Mod or whatever.
  • We are changing this time limit. But again, why do you always think to the time limit? A mission is made for playing it, not to think how to lose it.
  • The avoid AI needs to be changed, I know.
  • I said, my plan was not to make missions hard and long like Donut Mod or other mods that sincerely have pissing-off long missions in my opinion. This mod is made for fun, I put all my effort into it.

Concluding, this is a demo, not indicative of the final product, and I don't think we deserve to be criticised this much on a mostly unfinished product (as declared) just because you and your Union are better than others are modding. I was just wishing to answer to show you that I'm looking forward to make this mod a better product, but again I wanted you to know that you can't expect a prefect product, also since it is a demo.
Okay, here's my response. First off, sorry if I came off as rude in the original review, its just my style I guess.

For the main menu, if one is still in caps despite you trying to change it, you should probably keep it all in caps.
Also, I stated what I found unfocused. "Everything begins with a capital and is followed by lower case other than 'CANCEL MISSION' and 'BONUS GAME'."

I didn't say childish. Also, I stated why I thought the music was bad. Due to it sounding high pitched and silly. You could have taken music from a game or something else instead, as this doesn't sound right.

You could change to CON to give it better stats.

Can't you just use another mission idea? Sometimes first drafts aren't the best.

My problem wasn't the time limit being there. It was how long it was for such a short task.

My problem is the reused script. I get that modding isn't a job, but basically replaying missions from the base game isn't fun, especially when I can just go play them in the original game.

The mission is the same as S-M-R-T but you've replaced the race with 2 avoids. You could use a different idea. Perhaps one that explores the 'L8' theme as there is no story atm.

Mods don't become fun by removing time limits. Mods are fun from what is contained in them. Getting rid of time limits removes challenge, which loses interest. If I can put the controller down and go do something completely unrelated for half an hour and return to still be in the mission, then it's not fun.

You could always ask DT for help with the Bart issue.

I didn't play to purposely break the mission. I did what everyone does and I used the firetruck shortcut. I realized I missed the trigger and upon getting closer to it I found out how small it is and realized the paths you could take to miss it.

The whole AI being too fast problem could be fixed by changing the family sedan's stats.

Adding avoid objectives into S-M-R-T isn't original, it's just adding avoid objectives into S-M-R-T.

Read the M1 part about time limits and challenge.


Making missions longer would allow you to put creative ideas in them, which would also stop them from using the same objectives (follow, hit and collect) in the same ways.

The thing about not being able to criticism you because you're a smaller team and this is a demo is ridiculous. First off, I'm not judging you because I'm part of CMB Union, that was just rude. Plus, if your team and your mod don't get criticism now, then you're gonna proceed without knowing what is wrong with your mods and you're never gonna improve.

Thanks for responding.
I had a play around with this mod and here are my opinions on it.

It seems like you have made several changes to the game just for the sake of it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
The sky being a purple orange blend looks a little odd. if you wanted to change the sky id recommend just tinting the sky to an orange color.
not sure whether i like the dynamic lighting or not. i mean it was different, but eh.
pitching up the music was kind of a dumb idea and while i can understand why you did it, not only does it sound bad but its kind of unnecessary, honestly its up to you but you would be better off with the vanilla music
some of the cars look really nice such as the traffic cars, (i liked the mail van) but the recolour of the villain car looked out of place. Flanders station wagon has that road rage look that doesn't go well with the games theme.

Another thing i want to mention is the responses ive seen on this thread. Tappies criticism was very constructive and was specific about the issues he had with the mod. He could have said "this mod is f****** s***" which would have been very unhelpful but instead, he told you what you can do to improve the mod. Yes the mod maybe in its demo stages, but that doesn't mean that nobody can share their opinion on it. If anything a demo needs to have as much constructive criticism as it can so that on its final release, it doesn't get completely slandered by everyone. Imagine if the producers behind the Sonic movie said "well its just a trailer so it shouldn't be criticized this much" and continued with their original design ignoring the target market. Im pretty sure the rating would be much lower.
Please Make Decompilable
I am really sorry for the bad gaming experience the demo offered. More information about the renewed developing in the main thread.
If you are going to start again, here's some advice.

Don't go to special with the music/sky/effects. You said in the main post that the mod is supposed to be a continuation and designed the way radical would have made it, so leave the assets for ones radical made.

You also need to think about the plot. What would homer be doing the next day after he killed the aliens? Probably nothing I guess, but if he was forced to I think he would probably be cleaning up debree from the damage at either the power plant or the school. It's best to keep the story as basic as possible since the story ended in level 7 and adding anything dramatic in this level will ruin the plot of the previous 7 levels.

This is all I can think of right now but feel free to respond.
Thank you for your advice, MAFFY. I will keep an eye on these suggestions, especially on the plot.
I have added additional information on rewards, as well as a new logo banner!