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[Tutorial] [Outdated] Posting Images, bold text, ect. with BBCode

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Updated the main post to include the video tag.
@Lucasc190 is creating a new bbcode parser for us to use.
Something I think is cool and just remembered, you can have an image be the clickable object to a link. For example;

The code is:
[url=URL goes here] [img]Image URL goes here[/img][/url]
(My F1 race mod)
Don't just copy that, it won't work. But that is the code for it
Cool, I thought you could only do that with <a href="">. Added that aswell as rewriting some parts.

@DouglasColvin, how did you put an image tag in a code block without it turning into a broken image?
alt 0129, it adds a space