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Crash on loading L3 M1

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When I try and load up L3 M1 using the mod launcher, the game just crashes. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, changing compatability modes & different mod releases and they have not worked. For reference, I’m using the disc version of Vivendi Bestsellers SHAR copy I bought from Amazon.

The game works fine when not using the launcher, so I’m unsure as what to do
[deleted user]
4 yrs ago (Statistics)
This sounds like an odd one. Is Nerd Race Queen the only mission that causes the crash?
So I’ve tested it out, all missions from Level 3 and Level 5 Mission 1 are the levels that crash the game and send me back to my desktop. Going into 5-1 when already in Level 5 doesn’t seem to work either.

Edit: it’s worked! Had to completely uninstall and reinstall and all levels are now working.

Thank you for the help anyway!