A fully combined map has been one of the most requested Hit & Run mods for nearly a decade, and thanks to some recent improvements with map editing tools and the release of P3DXML, it is now finally possible!
Video (Click to Open)
- All three maps are fully combined together - with functional animations, gags, and interactive triggers
- New custom areas connecting each map together (mostly) seamlessly
- A new daytime version of Level 3 (with other levels coming later)
- A reworked version of the Vanilla Game campaign, designed to make use of all 3 levels.
- Sunset and Nighttime variants of the map.
- Halloween variant (maybe? don't count on it)
- 1.0.7
- Fixed a missing piece of intersect collision in L3R5.
- Updated the Skybox model to be much less of a mess internally (this was mostly for my own sanity as it was incredibly hacky beforehand).
- 1.0.6
- Reduced the draw distance from 800 units to 500, which should (in theory) provide a much better balance of performance and pop-in. It might not help too much though, I'm not sure.
- Fixed the fence gate in L2Z1 using the wrong shader name.
- Fixed a piece of intersect collision in L1Z2 that overlapped with collision in L2Z1.
- Fixed a piece of intersect collision in L3R5 that overlapped with...itself.
- 1.0.5
- Increased the game's draw distance from 200 units to 800. This should heavily reduce the amount of pop-in present in previous versions.
- Made it so you can no longer see the road mesh through the bottom of the Springfield Stadium tunnel.
- Fixed the gas pumps at the Gas Station in Level 3 still using orange vertex shading.
- Reduced the vertex shading seams present on the grassy banks of the L2 - L3 connection, where the model boundaries split between zone models.
- Fixed a bug where the Casino area wouldn't be loaded when approaching from the Springfield Dam.
- 1.0.4
- Fixed some janky texture mapping/vertex shading by the entrance to the L1 - L3 connection.
- Fixed another piece of missing collision at the L3 Krusty Burger.
- 1.0.3
- Improved the vertex shading on the L1 - L2 connection.
- Fixed another broken phonebooth in L2Z3.
- Fixed a collision bug on the L3 - L1 connection.
- 1.0.2
- Fixed a single tri using the wrong asphalt texture in L3R1.
- Fixed a phonebooth in L3Z3 that didn't work correctly.
- Fixed Locator Type 3s in Level 3 facing the wrong direction.
- Hopefully fixed the fake L2 Skybox from not unloading when leaving the highway (it could potentially still happen if your load times are obscenely long).
- 1.0.1
- Fixed ambient NPCs in Level 1 not appearing in the correct spots.
- Also fixed a few gags that also weren't in the correct spots.
- Fixed some broken collision by the Krusty Burger in L3.
- 1.0
- Initial Release.
- Not all gags from each level are present, due to the game having a hard limit of 64. Those missing are:
- gag_bomb.p3d (Bomb outside Herman's Military Antiques)
- gag_ismv.p3d (Itchy & Scratchy Movie Ticket)
- gag_pig.p3d (Kamp Krusty Pig on a Stick)
- gag_sc_5.p3d (Willie Holding a Pig in the School)
- gag_tele.p3d (Observatory Telescope since, y'know, it is daytime)
- This map contains considerably more Triggers than any of the base game maps, meaning that it is much easier to hit the Trigger limit (500) when designing missions. If you plan on making complex missions using this map, or encounter a crash as a result of having too many triggers, you should extend the limit using the CustomLimits hack.
Screenshots (Click to Open)

If you find any bugs/have any suggestions to improve the map, please let me know! Since this is a resource for use in other mods I'd definitely like it to be the best that it can be.