SHaR is surely a really weird game. If I were you - I would submit the crash dump to Lucas so that the issue could be resolved 🤔
A-a-anyways, glad to finally see the mod get released, nice job pal! :p
The Simpsons Hit & Run Plus - Version 1.01 Update
Posted in SHAR: Mod Showcase
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[deleted user] SHaR is surely a really weird game. If I were you - I would submit the crash dump to Lucas so that the issue could be resolved 🤔
A-a-anyways, glad to finally see the mod get released, nice job pal! :p
MarioGaming64 Version 1.01 of the mod is now available! You can download it by clicking here.
L1M6: removed the time limit from the "Return to the Simpsons' house" objective
L1M7: modif
Version 1.01 of the mod is now available! You can download it by clicking here.
- L1M6: removed the time limit from the "Return to the Simpsons' house" objective
- L1M7: modified Smithers's path so that he doesn't take the gas station shortcut on the rich side of town (this is to prevent Smithers from getting stuck on a wall should he take the shortcut)
- L1C1: added a new bitmap image
- L1C2: added a new bitmap image
- L1C3: added a new bitmap image
- L2C1: added a new bitmap image
- L2C2: added a new bitmap image
- L2C3: added a new bitmap image
- removed all doorbells across Level 1 and Level 2
- changed "Hover Car Refraction" from being a required hack into being a required mod (this was done to keep it required while also preventing a game crash from happening should the user have this hack disabled when launching the mod)
- increased CubeShapeLimit from 4800 to 6000
- removed the ambient characters drinking inside Moe's Tavern
- removed the ambient characters standing in line inside the DMV
- removed the ambient characters playing with the toy bus inside the Android's Dungeon
McDoh I loved playing this, good job :-)
I loved playing this, good job :-)
Cars For Speed This is really good! I'm loving it so far.
This is really good! I'm loving it so far.
Kainey Hi, I'm new here but do you want some help for a french translation ?
Hi, I'm new here but do you want some help for a french translation ?
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ThomasT1P when is the mid coming out?
when is the mid coming out?
ThomasT1P when is the full mod coming or an update?
when is the full mod coming or an update?
[deleted user] Please don't spam the thread, the mod is already out in a beta/demo state, while the full version is actively in the works
Be patient
Please don't spam the thread, the mod is already out in a beta/demo state, while the full version is actively in the works
Be patient
Be patient
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