I found the first 2, but I have explored the entire map and I can not find it.
Btw It would make sense to put Homer outside moe's tavern or inside if possible, as it will fit in better.
Can not find race 3 on level 2
Posted in Donut Mod
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[deleted user] I found the first 2, but I have explored the entire map and I can not find it.
Btw It would make sense to put Homer outside moe's tavern or inside if possible, as it will fit in better.
Gibstack "Btw It would make sense to put Homer outside moe's tavern or inside if possible, as it will fit in better."
Are you talking about the vanilla game or a mod? If you're talking abo
"Btw It would make sense to put Homer outside moe's tavern or inside if possible, as it will fit in better."
Are you talking about the vanilla game or a mod? If you're talking about the vanilla game, there is one at town hall, one at the krusty burger close to l2m1, and one at the krusty burger near the police station.
Are you talking about the vanilla game or a mod? If you're talking about the vanilla game, there is one at town hall, one at the krusty burger close to l2m1, and one at the krusty burger near the police station.
[deleted user] donut mod, For some reason its like it's invisible.
I've found the warthog before I found a non-secret item.
donut mod, For some reason its like it's invisible.
I've found the warthog before I found a non-secret item.
I've found the warthog before I found a non-secret item.
Fluffy Race 3 is with Ralph if I remember correctly, it's near where the monorail would be.
Race 3 is with Ralph if I remember correctly, it's near where the monorail would be.
[deleted user] been round there, haven't seen him.
been round there, haven't seen him.
Fluffy Right here: http://i.imgur.com/UirnaEA.png
Right here:
[deleted user] ok thx.
Must of been circling moe's tavern for a while, lol.
ok thx.
Must of been circling moe's tavern for a while, lol.
Must of been circling moe's tavern for a while, lol.