Donut Team Hey everybody, we have a new minor update for the Mod Launcher today.
Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher 1.26.1
This update fixes some issues introduced in the previous up
Hey everybody, we have a new minor update for the Mod Launcher today.
Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher 1.26.1
This update fixes some issues introduced in the previous update and also some issues in the base game.
Full Changelog
You can check out the specifics of those changes on
DT Docs.
Visit the
Mod Launcher downloads page to get the new version!
That is all we have for you today.
Happy modding,
Donut Team
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stinkyweebguy This may be a stupid question, but do I have to download the H&R executable separately from the launcher and the mods?
This may be a stupid question, but do I have to download the H&R executable separately from the launcher and the mods?
Loren The Mod Launcher is entirely separate from the game and we can only recommend that you purchase it legitimately.
The Mod Launcher is entirely separate from the game and we can only recommend that you purchase it legitimately.