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Where is the mono-rail

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[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
Ah I see, well in that case getting rid of the worst "car" in the game was a good idea. What causes the car limit?
I believe the car limit is actually only set per level. This is what you can have in rewards.mfk :
-1 Bonus mission car
-1 street race car
-1 "simpson" seller - this is Barney, Homer, Otto, etc.
-1 default
Then, you can have I believe 8 sellable items. So it seems like you could have 12 cars available per level.However, the sellable items also include costumes, meaning that you can only have, for example, 4 sellable cars (from gil) and 4 sellable costumes, 1 car and 7 costumes, 7 cars and 1 costume, etc. So that's where the limit comes from, as far as I know.
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
@Gibstack thanks. Maybe one day there will be a way around the limit and we can all drive that sweet sweet monorail.
We also have a different car limit in the save files, that we're still looking into.