A blender addon which exports all textures and shaders into a single p3xml file, which can be imported into the P3D editor!
Manually importing textures and making shaders was taking too much time. I had an idea about making an addon for blender which does it all for you but thought it would be too difficult. Few weeks later and I'm releasing 1.0! This tool is a export addon for blender and can be found by going to the export section in blender. You can edit the shader settings in the export window how you like and then import it into the p3d editor! I hope to add individual shader editing at a later date.Latest: Version 1.0.3
Spoiler: Installing the addon
1. Download the addon from the link at the bottom of this post
2. Preferences
3. Install
4. Select the .zip file you downloaded
Spoiler: Demostration

1. Blender
2. Export
3. Shader options. If any texture has transparency, change Blend Mode to Alpha
For the demo, I'm going to make everything have a yellow tint
4. Import Pure3D XML, must be anywhere before your model
5. Select the file we exported earlier
6. Textures and shaders have all been added
- Mass texture and shader export into a p3dxml file
- Shader customisation on export
- An option to export both, only textures or only shaders
To do
- Individual shader customisation
Special thanks
- Pastry Commune for testing the addon in the early stages
- - Addy
- - Maz
- - Mochapoke
- - The Butter Apple
- - UnknownSteel