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Pure3D Editor Feature Requests/Suggestions

Posted in Support
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[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
Hi Donut Team (and Lucas specifically),

A useful feature would be to show a vehicle's reflection/shininess in the preview window as opposed to just flat lighting. However, this would require the Reflection value from the vehicle's .con file.

A slightly less important feature involves skeleton joints. In the latest build of Pure3D Editor it is possible to view skeleton joints on the model (lights, wheels etc) which has cut down the time taken to allign joints substantially (thanks Lucas). Currently the most tedious part of vehicle conversion is alligning skeleton joints by editing co-ordinate values. I suggest adding a click and drag translate option a la Blender with a mirror option (e.g. hlr mirrors hll on the x axis) to keep things symmetrical. This is fairly superfluous but it would go a long way to lowering the barrier of entry for vehicle conversion which would encourage wannabe mod makers to contribute to the scene.

Thanks again for some seriously robust mod tools :)