Hi, can someone of the donut team add these chunks to P3D editor? These chunks values i found are for the game Scarface The World Is Yours. I'm asking for this because i would like to export Scarface animations and its possible thanks to this script Blender 2.8X/2.79: Pure3DXML animation converter (Custom Animations!) , anyway in order to play and view those animations you must export the right skeleton and this is possbile thanks to this script forum.donutteam.com/forum/topic/3317-blender-2-8x-2-79-pure3dxml-skeleton-converter , i already patched that script to make it work with the scarface chunks infact only chunks identifiers and name values differs, but the problem is that since the P3d editor doesn't support Scarface it doesn't Serialize and Desirialize those values and as a result if you export those skeleton chunks it will not export the values but just the name and the data (values not supported), but with these chunks the you will be able add partial support for scarface chunks also keep in mind that some of these chunks are present in others games but they share the same header data ( same values)
Here is the list with chunk ids and values:
Can someone add these Scarface chunks values to P3D Editor?
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Zcor3x Hi, can someone of the donut team add these chunks to P3D editor? These chunks values i found are for the game Scarface The World Is Yours. I'm asking for this because i would like to export Scar
Fluffy If you have a Pure3D file with these chunks, it may help. But I can forward this along to Lucas and see if he's able to.
If you have a Pure3D file with these chunks, it may help. But I can forward this along to Lucas and see if he's able to.
Hi thanks for answering here are the files:
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Hi thanks for answering here are the files:
Any updates?
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Any updates?
Hello i know its been a long time but recently i am trying to modify ps2 version of scarface with upscaled textures and i realized both pc and ps2 use same file formats
but i am having some trouble
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Hello i know its been a long time but recently i am trying to modify ps2 version of scarface with upscaled textures and i realized both pc and ps2 use same file formats
but i am having some trouble in extracting textures as i cant find any definitive way to extract textures either from pc or ps2
if you had find any method can you help me
duffhause I recommend you take this to the scarface community who have already figured more out
I recommend you take this to the scarface community who have already figured more out [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/scarfacetheworldisyours/mods/6scarface remastered discord[/url]