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Something i've been working on...

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If this is going to turn into a topic filled with insults, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to lock this. Half of the second page is you two arguing.

Nismo, if you want to avoid criticism regarding your projects, I would seriously recommend keeping a project completely confidential until it's somewhere near 50%/75% public completion. Sharing it early is always a hazard since things can change drastically or interest towards the project drops altogether. I would also recommend explaining in the teasers to properly explain what exactly the project is.
No no, it's fine, we're just messing around. But yeah, it was meant as an early teaser for what i was working on. (Sorry for the insults)
The teasers were for what was at one point an update or rather re-work of the more recent Asphalt Rivals (from August 2015) to add many new things i had discovered via experimentation.. Just throwing this out there: currently working on a similar project. If enough people request this, might make the development process a bit more open.