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Level 1 Retexture V1.2 - Abandoned!

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So I have been trying to retexture all of level ones textures, when I started this I didn't realise how hard it would actually be. But I thought I would share everything I have done so far with you, now be warned I am no amazing graphics artist but someone who doesn't want to play the game with dated textures. I have been taking each texture and resizing it by 400% and then designing over it using the original as a template. There are still loooooooads of textures I haven't done and there are a few I need to do again, but enjoy and please give me feed back.

Download - Mediafire:

.Started work insides Simpsons house
.Reworked some grass textures
.Retextured more terrain


Youtube Video:
Wow! nice work dude :D very nice textures, stays nice and true to the original show. Good work.
Good luck with this, and I really hope you carry through and make something fantastic! I love the work so far.
I really like how it looks so far!
The only oddities that I noticed were with sidewalks, and certain grass patches.
I can't wait to see more from you!
That looks nice, I'll be giving this a try when Im back at my laptop on Friday
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
awesome! must download
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
It's Pretty tricky, but it looks Awesome, Good Luck!
Updated, check the post for download.
Just finally got around to trying this, what you have so far looks pretty nice
Just out of curiousity, why is this abandoned? And is there any issue if I were to add replacement textures and pick up the project? I've long been thinking about retexturing the game, have done a few things with good results and would like to try my hand at at least one entire level.