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Lucas Pure3D Editor 4 and Blender 3D

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1) i exported .obj from the simpsons hit & run

2) imported into blender, do not do anything for the sake of purity of the experiment, I export back into the .obj ...

3) Trying to import back into the game, it would seem the same file - but suddenly i see the error.

Error: text exceptions
System.FormatException: Input string was invalid.

I've been looking for solutions to this problem, but all in vain.

what could be the problem?
Can you please upload the OBJ file that causes that error to this and we'll look into it: Here

It's a Dropbox File Request, though you do not need an account to upload.
Thank you, I sent the file...
But every .obj file that I import from simpsons and edit in the blender causes an error when imported into Lucas Pure3D Editor.
I do not understand - what could be the problem.
That OBJ file seems to import fine for us.

What exact version number of Lucas' Pure3D Editor do you have?

Can you upload a screenshot of the error message (to imgur if you need a place to upload to) and copy/paste into the forum any details that the error gives.
i have Lucas' Pure3D Editor Version 4.0.2 and Version 3.1.5... I tried at all - does not work. the only difference is that the old version gives a similar error when you try to export the model in .obj

here's a screenshot:

here's error log:

in the past year, I have made a modification for hit&run, but then I was at the disposal of old computer with windows xp
By the way,here you can download, if you're interested :) :

so with windows xp (old version p3d editor) I have everything worked fine, except that sometimes there was an error associated with triangulate.
but now i use windows 10,It can be a problem in it?
or maybe I have wrong version hit&run...
then where can I download the correct?
I almost forgot to say, I tried many versions of Blender

oh, and Lucas RSD Converter 1.1 refuses to import sounds ... but so far for me it is not so important
I really want to make the modification, help me with this please X(

I'm sorry that I took so long answer, I just little bit difficult to write in English.
I forgot to say, i tried to do the same on the laptop with windows 7 x64 but there is the same error
We have located the issue. The issue is the number format on your computer is set on Russian, which uses commas as decimal places. This is an oversight in the program, and we'll be looking into fixing this.

It's a somewhat complicated fix in the code, so as a work around for now, you can change your decimal symbol from a comma (",") to a period ("."). This will affect every program, however should not have any negative consequence other than the way numbers are displayed. This also does not require a reboot.

To do this:
1. Open "Run" (Windows Key + R)
2. Type "intl.cpl" and press enter.
3. Click "Additional Settings", the button in the bottom right hand corner
4. Change "Decimal Symbol" in the "Numbers" tab from a comma (",") to a period (".")
5. Click "Apply"

You will have to restart Lucas' Pure3D Editor 4 and export the model again.
it's alive! it's alive!!!)))
thank you very much! I adore you all! you the best support in the world!