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Characters in Cars Restored?

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Is there a way to put the Characters back in their cars ala road rage regardless of levels? Ex. Moe in sedan, Barney in Plow King, Rev. Lovejoy, etc.
Hello there and welcome!
Short answer - Yes!
Luckily I made a mod that does just that a while back (just never publicly released it) and you can grab it right here.

If you're interested into doing this yourself, here is an example:
To add Barney in Plow King, you have to find the script for the car configuration first (/scripts/cars/plowk_v.con) and open it with a text editor. Scroll down at the end of the file and look for the following command:
Change it to
Once you're done, make sure to save the file and then voila! Barney should be in the car.
I hope this helps!
The quoted post is unavailable.

It worked thank you!