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"Midnight Racing: Springfield": Released beta & backstory

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any new updates of this mod? i’m very excited to see something like new missions cars newspaper loading screen music and other new content of this mod and i hope it will be decompiled when it’s fully released.
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Hi, this mod hasn't received an update for a long while (and it may not any time soon) because of the lack of motivation to work on it.
can i borrow the decompiled version of the mod? because i want to change traffic like sportsA minivanA SUVA sedan And pickupA would appear in this mod
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I don't think she'll make a decompiled version, because she have not open source, but maybe one day...
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Your going to have to wait until she release's full mod that is decompilable and then you can use the cars what ever you want until then you're going to have to wait for a while
there’s is one traffic vehicle missing in this mod like the black ferrini?
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It was removed
This post has been removed.
1 yr ago (Edited 1 year ago)
can i request to borrow all the new traffic vehicles from this mod please? and also even the racers like racerA racerB amd racerC or maybe the decompiled version of this mod since it was not being currently working on or something
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I ignored the previous request as it was basically the same thing.
I know you're Sniper Gaming & the answer is and will be: no, until I decide to make this decompilable.
The more you're bothering me about it, the less I want to share the models.

I should've banned you for ban evasion & alternative accounts when you created this account, but I decided to give you last one chance.
Please, quit asking this question & don't make me regret my decision.