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What Is The Best Starter Car In The Simpsons Hit and Run

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Whats The Best Car In SHAR? Vote The Best STARTER Car In Springfied!!!
My Favorite Is the Family Sedan BTW
me too.
same here
Whats the worst starter car?
The canyonero or the honor roller, thought I personally like the honor roller
I personally think the FUNNY PINK CAR (Otherwise known as the Family Sedan) is my favourite. I don't know why, maybe I just like the design in general.
The Family Sedan The funny pink car is definetly the best. i completed set to kill with it. its better that the ferrini and any other car. i even used it on level 7 and beat the wager race with it. its just an iconic car. any other opinions?
The Ferrini - Red is the best statistically, I just need to barely press R1 on the Xbox controller synced to my laptop and the thing goes 20, the Honor Roller is a better handling version of the Family Sedan, the Canyonero is the toughest starting vehicle and is basically a better version of the Plow King (I know the Plow king is a purchased car but it only outstats the Caynonero in toughness) and it's the best car for destroy missions because of it's mass and decent other stats, but it is prone to tipping like in the show but not spontaneously combusting like the theme song of it states, also it's the only starting car to have a theme song about it.
so your favorite car is the ferreni