Hey there everyone, it's been a while but we're excited to bring you the next version of Donut Mod.
The Rebalance Update is now available as well as an updated Autumn Theme.
Both of these and their respective change logs are available over on SHAR Mods
This update has been a long time in the making and it features hundreds of tweaks to things all over the mod.
The primary focus was tweaking normal mode in all sorts of ways to make the experience better match the original campaign created by Radical. We hope this allows less skilled players or players just looking for a simpler playthrough to better enjoy the mod. There have also been some tweaks to Hellfish.
In addition, this update includes a slew of updates to the mods backend which has been reworked almost entirely since the last update to have a neater file structure and better organization. We hope this will help us streamline future updates and get them out faster than before.
We'll be quick to release hotfixes if any issues are discovered, so please post any bugs you find over on the Donut Mod board.
That's basically all we have to say about the Rebalance update, we hope you enjoy the hard work we've put into it.
In the coming weeks our status updates will feature exciting information about some minor updates we plan on making soon and the long awaited Conspiracy Update.
See you soon.
- Loren
Donut Mod: The Rebalance Update Released
Posted in Announcements
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Loren Hey there everyone, it's been a while but we're excited to bring you the next version of Donut Mod.
The Rebalance Update is now available as well as an updated Autumn Theme.
Both of th
[deleted user] I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong but the game isn't loading. Also the new autumn theme wont work with the new donut mod update.
EDIT - I've got the game to work now but
I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong but the game isn't loading. Also the new autumn theme wont work with the new donut mod update.
EDIT - I've got the game to work now but in order to do so I have to remove the save file. I like the game But I don't want to keep replaying the missions. Is there a way that I can avoid that?
EDIT - I've got the game to work now but in order to do so I have to remove the save file. I like the game But I don't want to keep replaying the missions. Is there a way that I can avoid that?
Loren This version probably isn't compatible with old saved games for a bunch of reasons. I apologize for not mentioning that. If you want to upload your save file I can see if I can get it to work.
This version probably isn't compatible with old saved games for a bunch of reasons. I apologize for not mentioning that. If you want to upload your save file I can see if I can get it to work.
[deleted user] I could try that. how do I sent it u tho?
I could try that. how do I sent it u tho?
DouglasColvin You could upload it to a website like Mediafire (I use that personally) and attach a link to it in a post
You could upload it to a website like Mediafire (I use that personally) and attach a link to it in a post
[deleted user] I'm not trying to be awkward but I would rather not do it that way Doug because I'm fed up of making more accounts. If I have to then I will wait for the next update since the changes made i
I'm not trying to be awkward but I would rather not do it that way Doug because I'm fed up of making more accounts. If I have to then I will wait for the next update since the changes made in this one don't bother me too much anyway.
Loren You can upload it to my Dropbox without an account here.
You can upload it to my Dropbox without an account here.
[deleted user] When I went to test the mod for my let's play, because I'm stuck on one mission, timer UNCHANGED, flatmeat count UNCHANGED. I've been stuck on that mission for 2 weeks! I can't rec
When I went to test the mod for my let's play, because I'm stuck on one mission, timer UNCHANGED, flatmeat count UNCHANGED. I've been stuck on that mission for 2 weeks! I can't record it, I get so mad. Damn Asperger's.
Loren What mission are you having problems with? There's a bunch with flatmeat.
What mission are you having problems with? There's a bunch with flatmeat.
[deleted user] L2M5, that one kills me!
L2M5, that one kills me!