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how can i make characters texture's pop up in P3D Editor?

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I know i made a topic like this a month ago, But i felt like i lost something to it.

so i know how to use Keep Shared Resources Loaded For Previews In P3D Editor but thats not it, this is what im trying to do.

if you know how to get texture's to there please comment.

To view the texture, you use "Keep Shared Resources Loaded"

To modify the texture, you'll need to copy the correct texture from Simpsons Hit & Run\art\chars\global.p3d

Pure3D Editor with global.p3d loaded

To figure out which one you need, you look at the shader. In this case, it is the chunk "char_swatches_lit_m"

Copy in the texture chunk from global.p3d and place it ABOVE the shader. It is so important that it is above the shader.

alright, thanks for the help man, i appreciate it!
tried doing that, trying to reskin a character, i do not know how to copy texture chunks, im gonna say this here, i never did chunks on SHAR before, i think. im trying to customize pedestrian texture's because they use the same generic texture and i'd like to change that. probably wasn't doing it correctly since i was tired.

Hi there!

To copy a chunk through the P3D Editor, just right-click it and click -> Copy -> This
copy chunk

To paste it in another file, just right-click the chunk you want it to be above & click -> Paste Before
paste chunk

I hope this helps!

i figured it out days ago but thanks