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Jimmy Gibbs Jr.'s Race Car Mod - v1.0.2

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(fabulous banner made by @Munky99, thank YOU very much :D)

Greetings, DT Forums. And now, I proudly present to you the biggest SH&R project I've ever worked on and one that's been thrown in and out of development hell for the past few months: the Jimmy Gibbs Jr. vehicle mod, starring everyone's favourite annoying hillbilly survivor, Ellis from Left 4 Dead 2.

Now already I can probably tell that the reactions are mixed; yeah, some of you are probably getting excited over the crossover concept (even if it is an odd one), while on the other hand some of you might be infuriated that this mod completely breaks the immersion of SH&R being an accurate representation of The Simpsons and whatnot.
But, regardless of what you may think of the vehicle choice, the unique feature to this mod is that the Jimmy Gibbs stars Ellis as a 'driver' character, like how for example Grandpa is the driver of the WW2 vehicle. This makes it so that he has his own dialogue unique to him, with quotes straight from L4D2 and is scripted to play when certain things are done in-game, like for instance calling the vehicle from the phonebooth, skidding, crashing into a vehicle/object, etc. This gives a new take on custom vehicles and allows for more to be explored in the mod itself (but you guys can decompile this thing so in the end there isn't much to explore in-game lol)

To accomodate this mod, I've also created some short videos in Garry's Mod (which actually took up most of the time put in the project) which tie in with the mod. Really, you're allowed to say what you want on them. I just created them for fun really and to make the video showcase more interesting. So whether you think they're actually funny or pointless filler, you can just skip those segments and look at the gameplay video itself.

This mod is also decompilable, so you can look inside the contents of the mod for reference or miscellaneous uses. However, you're also free to utilise this in your own mod as well. I'm allowing 100% permission for that to be done, however you MUST credit me and/or anyone else for the mod if you plan to do so. Otherwise, further action will be taken to make sure that this is met.

I'll also be updating this mod in case anyone spots any bugs they've found, or just to expand on it, like for example adding in more voice clips I can find in the L4D2 game files. If you want, you can notify me about any voice clips you think would be suitable for the mod. Be sure to also notify me about any problems or bugs you experience. Thanks!

Download v1.0.2:

Oh, and one more thing, this is probably going to be my last SH&R related work for a good while. Unfortunately, school really doesn't mess around once you reach the age of 16. It's at that point you realise you have to strap the hell in and do your best. I'll still check out this forum and make posts, but for actual content I have to distribute, that's going to have to wait, especially since I have ideas for a full scale mod I want to make that makes SH&R have a different experience from the vanilla game. And simply trying to develop it now would result in deflation or stalling of ideas, as I would prefer to put my best efforts into them Anyway, wish me luck, and enjoy the mod!
This looks pretty nice, I'll be taking a look at this later after I install my nice shiny new 1TB HDD and expansion bay
And good luck with school, Im in the same boat as you. I turned 16 on the 18th and got my permit on the 19th, and I seriously need to pay more attention to my school work too. Doesnt help that Im in all honors
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
Love it, and I wish you luck. Age 16 is coming my way and I hope I don't suffer what you are.


i cant get this to decompile i dont really need that but just noting that it doesnt work
After looking at your mod in a developer only tool, it is not marked as decompilable.

Please put:

All you put was
Eee, we got ourselves a 1337 haxxzor here @Jake Andreøli. You can use that to look at any mod? Sounds pretty cool, just in case purposes only?
@DouglasColvin Thanks mate. I'm literally about to turn 16 in a day, so at least by that point I'll be able to do things legally have a drink, smoke and do the thing that's too inappropriate to mention here. But then, those jerks up at the offices in school take those privileges away from you for about two months! They think they have the right to take the moment we've been waiting for from us?! HUH?!

@hipporeno Once again, cheers for wishing me the best in my future endeavors. And I hope the same for you too as well. Although, not sure what advice I can give you at this moment, I mean I'm just as clueless as everyone else in school. lol.

@SomeoneIKnow and @Aerhx Ah, thank you two for pointing this out. Yeah, it's been a good while since I've done this. I'll post an updated version of the mod with the fixed decompile ASAP. God, if only patches to SH&R mods were possible...

EDIT: Decompile error has been fixed, link has been updated to v1.0.2!
@DouglasColvin It's just a tool that lets us verify mods the contents of a mod. Nothing more. We can't do anything with it.

@DerpyDosh Sounds good.
I feel kind of depressed that you worked so hard on this, yet it go ignored so much.. deserves far more praise imo since it's the first of it's kinds.
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
Nice man! It doesn't explode GPUs like my R8 :).