Is it possible to make a vehicle fly like a plane by editing the properties?
Flying Vehicles
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1561 Is it possible to make a vehicle fly like a plane by editing the properties?
[deleted user] Honestly, I think you can add the wheels locators and physics, and not have to have the actual wheels. I hope I'm in the right direction!
Honestly, I think you can add the wheels locators and physics, and not have to have the actual wheels. I hope I'm in the right direction!
Loren No. It's not possible for a whole slew of reasons. You could make a vehicle that's really high off the ground but it most definitely could never fly like a plane.
No. It's not possible for a whole slew of reasons. You could make a vehicle that's really high off the ground but it most definitely could never fly like a plane.
[deleted user] @The Butter Donut
Even if it was possible, it would be pointless without the map editor due to the invisible barriers in the sky.
@The Butter Donut
Even if it was possible, it would be pointless without the map editor due to the invisible barriers in the sky.
Even if it was possible, it would be pointless without the map editor due to the invisible barriers in the sky.
Loren That too, those invisible barriers are the Wall Collision which are infinite vertical walls of collision. A flying vehicle could never work with those there and we couldn't just remove them even
That too, those invisible barriers are the Wall Collision which are infinite vertical walls of collision. A flying vehicle could never work with those there and we couldn't just remove them even if they did without creating entirely new collision of a different type to replace them and even then there's other problems.
Here's just one example of how Wall Collision would be a roadblock (skyblock?) to flying vehicles, this is around the Simpsons house region:
Here's just one example of how Wall Collision would be a roadblock (skyblock?) to flying vehicles, this is around the Simpsons house region:
BillBodkin do these walls apply to where the graveyard jump is on l1 that is out of bounds?
do these walls apply to where the graveyard jump is on l1 that is out of bounds?