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Which is a good 3D Modeling format?

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Which is a good 3D Modeling format? VRML anyone, maybe OBJ (which cannot store vertex colours), or COLLADA .dae

I thought start this topic to try and reintroduce myself and newcomers to 3D Modelling.
Been a while, but work has eased up and its nice to see how this Simpsons team is taking off
With that said, I'm quite rusty with the whole import/export stuff

Got a few questions if anyone can fill me in...

VRML I remember from exporting N64 Models. OBJ and COLLADA I've used for zipping Sketchup Models around.

Question is: How is this Map Maker going to work?
Should I be modeling in COLLADA or VRML for when it comes out? Confused ?? :/

OK, basically which format do u think will be best for the MapMaker??
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
Currently, Lucas P3D Editor only accepts the .obj format, and since Lucas is building the map maker as well I have to assume it uses the same format. Lucas has expressed interest in making the P3D Editor (and likely by extension the map maker) accept .dae files as well, but it's not something that's going to happen anytime soon. The map maker release date is also TBA so anything could change between now and when it does actually get released.
I'll reiterate what you said max_power998,

Lucas' Pure3D Editor only supports the OBJ file format. We are exploring the possibility of adding Collada (.dae) and/or the FBX file format. Though at this time they are both not implemented.

I will not comment on the map builder as things change from day to day.
Thanks for letting me know, wow things are starting to happen here :)
I'll drop a reply here saying the Map Builder currently inputs Sketchup files directly because it was the easiest format to implement (there's an API for reading them) and it supports enough to make building basically any map you'd like pretty easy as long as you have the 3D modelling capabilities to do it.

Sketchup files also have the benefit of being binary files so they're very quick to read.

The main downside of course is this currently requires you to use Sketchup. However Lucas hopes to support other input file types like P3D files (to input things from Radical's levels directly, there is a very small amount of support for this atm so its pretty negligible), OBJ files, and possibly COLLADA files.

Note that any of this could change, I'm just saying how it currently works and what I believe the plans are for the tool in the future.
I have a concept map in the works for when the map builder is ready and looking forward to hearing news on that if so.