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Looking for artists, animators, and sound techs

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[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
Hey Donut Team!

If you don't know me, I'm max_power998, developer of SHAR: Yellow Shift, a total conversion mod for Simpsons Hit and Run. Regarding this mod, I have three types of jobs I need filled on my mod. If any of you like doing any of these, feel free to respond to this thread or message me on Skype (my username is ballisticzoom) and become part of the team!

HUD Icon and Clothing Artists

I'm not very good at making HUD icons and the ones I make usually come out at a lesser quality than the vanilla ones. If anyone is good at making HUD Icons, I'll reply or message you the ones I need done. I also need two (possibly three) custom costumes for Marge and three for Skinner. You will be credited as a HUD Icon or clothing artist and part of the team.


I want to have cutscenes in my mod like the ones in the vanilla game. Due to my lack of skill in animation, I won't be able to do these myself. If you are a good animator and want to make cutscenes for Yellow Shift, I'll send you a concept of what I want done. You will be credited as an animator and part of the team.

Sound Techs

Currently, the story of my mod is explained in stage messages. I want to replace this with custom dialogue. If you want to make dialogue for Yellow Shift, I'll send you what I want done and give you (mostly) creative liberty on what the characters say. You'll have to have a good sense of Simpsons humor!

If you can do any of these jobs, I'll give you the freedom to do them as you choose, provided that the work meets some quotas. I won't be too harsh on judgement, but I do have a few standards that need to be met (particularly for dialogue artists and animators) for creativity and quality, and possibly some restrictions for offensive content. That being said, be sure to send me a concept of what you're going to do before you complete the task.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to reply or message me if you're interested!

I honestly doubt anyone can animate it like it is in the vanilla game besides the developers themselves. But for the rest of the things, i think you could learn them over time with alot of effort. However, as you know from many obvious examples, working in a team is best. I hope you find someone to help you out because that mod sure has alot of potential to be something just incredibly amazing that could rival TOS possible some day.
@Silent It's possible to create cutscenes in different programs, the style doesn't exactly have to be alike. Secondly, the modding scene is purely for fun and a hobby. No need for rivalries. Episode One of TOS is infinitely worse than the current build which is yet to be released.

@maxpower_998 I'd be happy to help you with visuals and possibly scripting. Whichever you need more, just finished High School so time is widely available to me at the moment. I can provide you with custom hud icons and whatever needs be.
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
If you need a scenarist for your mod, I'll glad to help.
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)

Like Munky said, the animations don't have to be spot on with the ones in the vanilla game. I just want something with slightly more versatility than just recorded gameplay. I really appreciate your thoughts on my mod as well! Like you said, things work better as a team, and I currently have my hands full with scriptwriting the missions. so I thought I would see if some other people wanted to get on board.


That's a good point Munky. To further it, with the low number of Total Conversion Mods on this forum, most users have time to play them all. Every mod has their strengths and weaknesses and I think it's a good idea to play them all and enjoy them all rather than just say 'X mod is better than X mod'.

I'd be happy to have you on the team! HUD Icons are definetely one of the things I need most. What exactly do you mean by visuals and scriptwriting though?

@Gordon (RBD)

Glad to have you Gordon! I think it would be awesome to have two storywriters on board to bounce ideas off of each other, and I think together we can create a magnificent plot :)

If either of you have or can get Skype it would be much easier to create a group chat there than to continue replying to this thread.
I could help you out with any sort of art stuff like vector logos and icons like before. If you want, I could message you on Skype.
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
That'd be great Diddily! Whenever you get around to it yeah it would be cool if you could message me. Welcome to the team :)
@max_power998 By scripting i meant coding, e.g: Missions and such. Visuals i meant textures and all that. I can also port cars and such for you if needs be.
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
@Max, tomorrow(In Russia it's 23(11PM)) I'll try to download this thing(If I DID Download, I'll be "named" as "RBD")
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
I can help with dialogue for next week since I'm not doing anything. I can also do animations with maps from SHAR but they are very basic (probably because I spent an hour on it). I will have to balance this out with 2 other mods that I'm working on but chances are this will get done first.

here is an example of what I can do with animation (just note that this was a test and not taken seriously. there are also a few objects missing which I will take a look at)

if u want an example of custom dialogue, I can show u a video for GTA hit and run but not here. I believe that the mod is something unusual and I don't want to spoil it before it gets released. since u are one of the best mod creators on the forum I could skype a video as long as u promise not to show it to anyone.