Sonzai Title says it all.
I took this model ( scaled it down and split it up and replaced the otto_v with it. That's where the smoothness ended.
Title says it all.
I took this model ( scaled it down and split it up and replaced the otto_v with it. That's where the smoothness ended.
Once I deleted all the attachments I didn't need i.e. the doors and windows, some random police doors popped up in their place.
The wheels pivots are also off and I need help moving it. I went through the BV skeleton and tried it there but nothing changed no matter the amount I put in.
The collision model and the flashing lights need to be re-positioned also...
Took a truck model and converted it, a lot of things went wrong: wheel displacement, random police doors, collision model, and flashing lights.
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[deleted user] The Police Doors are there because you only deleted the door mesh, and you didn't delete the doors from the Composite Drawable. Thus, the car still thinks it needs doors, and uses the door mesh f
The Police Doors are there because you only deleted the door mesh, and you didn't delete the doors from the Composite Drawable. Thus, the car still thinks it needs doors, and uses the door mesh from the last car loaded that has them, which is often cPolice due to it being the chase car. I made the same mistake the first time I tried porting a car.
Sonzai Oh, thank you :P
I feel like the re-positioning and lights will be somewhat the same, what I'm really curious about is how to add another set of wheels for the back axel.
Oh, thank you :P
I feel like the re-positioning and lights will be somewhat the same, what I'm really curious about is how to add another set of wheels for the back axel.
[deleted user] If you're talking about the truck having 6 wheels, I don't think that's possible. Someone feel free to correct me though.
If you're talking about the truck having 6 wheels, I don't think that's possible. Someone feel free to correct me though.
Mike If by "wheel pivots" you mean simply the position of the wheels, that can be changed by editing w0, w1, w2, and w3 in the car's normal skeleton. However, if that doesn't change it,
If by "wheel pivots" you mean simply the position of the wheels, that can be changed by editing w0, w1, w2, and w3 in the car's normal skeleton. However, if that doesn't change it, then that means you need to go into the animation, which is "PTRN_otto_v" in this case, and delete the animation groups for w0, w1, w2, and w3. But if you mean you need to change the point at which the wheels pivot, then you need to center the wheel model in Blender by pressing shift+s and selecting "Cursor to Center", pressing shift+ctrl+alt+c and selecting "Origin to 3D Cursor", then pressing shift+ctrl+alt+c again and selecting "Geometry to Origin".
You can change the collision object by changing the values in its contents. The normal collision object is named after your car, and that affects the collision while driving. The skeleton with "BV" after it is the car's collision data while you're out of the car; you can add more details to that one that you wouldn't normally bother adding to the regular one. Note that cars without a BV collision default to the regular collision for when you're not in the car. You can edit individual objects in the model, and there are ways to change certain aspects of each object; "Collision Vector Centre" controls the position, and "Collision Vector Rotation Matrix X/Y/Z" affects the size on the three axes. Most rectangular collision models are straight, so edit the highest value in each Matrix in order to keep it that way unless you want slanted collision models; that's at least what I've experienced, I don't know if that's true in every case.
To change the position of the flashing lights, go into "PTRN_otto_v" and try changing the values in "TRAN" under all of the "flash" animation groups. I think that's how you do it...
Anyway, I hope this helps!
Sonzai A thousand thanks, It looks just like it should, for the most part.
I moved the wheels in otto_v and otto_vBV but the wheels are still displaced in the game. I also d
A thousand thanks, It looks just like it should, for the most part.
I moved the wheels in otto_v and otto_vBV but the wheels are still displaced in the game. I also deleted all the flash animations in the anim group but they still appear.. I probably shouldn't have done that :l
Mike If the wheels don't move when you edit values in the skeleton, then the positions of the wheels are likely controlled by the animation. Go to "PTRN_otto_v" and delete the animation grou
If the wheels don't move when you edit values in the skeleton, then the positions of the wheels are likely controlled by the animation. Go to "PTRN_otto_v" and delete the animation groups for w0, w1, w2, and w3. That will make it refer to the skeleton for positions.
To get rid of the flashing lights on the vehicle, delete any files that reference it, such as old billboard quad groups, animations, textures and shaders (if there are any), old frame controllers, etc. Basically, look for files with "flash" in their name.
Sonzai Thanks! Sorry for not replying, school started up again.
After about 5 crashes, I gave up on the flash thing and just left them. I'm more worried about the third axle. Just adding a w5 and w6 m
Thanks! Sorry for not replying, school started up again.
After about 5 crashes, I gave up on the flash thing and just left them. I'm more worried about the third axle. Just adding a w5 and w6 mesh and a placeholder in the skeleton folder screw up the other 4's placements.... It may be impossible but any help is fine :D
Mike Unfortunately, having more than four wheels on a vehicle doesn't work.
Unfortunately, having more than four wheels on a vehicle doesn't work.
[deleted user] What you could do is add a 'fake' wheel five and six. What I mean is, the wheels would be part of the model, but they wouldn't actually turn like wheels. You'd either have to add t
What you could do is add a 'fake' wheel five and six. What I mean is, the wheels would be part of the model, but they wouldn't actually turn like wheels. You'd either have to add them to the model with blender, or add separate meshes for the fake wheels (Note: They can't be named w5 and w6 as meshes named like this function as real wheels.)
Anyone can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.