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I'm surprised about SHAR's unused content.
Addy replied to 30978's topic 3 years ago
Just like certain other games that people revealed about unused content they lacked, Simpsons H&R is also one of them, as mentioned and showcased by The Cutting Room Floor wiki. Shame... That would of been cool as extra things packed in and functional. Ones like the missing Gags, tunes, misplaced "A
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Will Colou's Fully Connected Map mod have...
mazzy replied to 30978's topic 3 years ago
...Level 7's Area 939/Rich Side and Nuclear Power Plant interiors open and working!? :O :D I know... That's just a speculating guess, but Colou did mention about considering even the Halloween variant for his FCM mod along with sunset and night ones, didn't he? So that's why I suddenly got the feeli
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Developing a mod as a team
Ferruccio&Enzolive replied to their own topic 3 years ago
When I have an idea for a mod, can't I form my own little development team (artists, programmers, voice overs...)?
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How to open GameCube P3Ds
Cosmo made this topic 3 years ago
1. Get SHaR source code (NO LINK 4U) 2. Open Radical P3DView.exe (built by Cary on 2003/03/21) 3. Set platform to your console ("gc") in this case 4. Open p3d file 5. ??? 6. Profit
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Missing things in PC from console.
mazzy replied to 30978's topic 3 years ago
The Windows port of Hit & Run didn't have the few things carried over from the console ports. I noticed the signs by Elementary School and Community Centre of Levels 1, 4 and 7 don't ever randomise their text displays, so they always show "TODAY IS DIORAMA-RAMA" and "TONIGHT: BRAD GOODMAN". Also the
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Does Level 7's Bonus Mission have a bug?
Addy replied to 30978's topic 3 years ago
The Bonus Mission of Level 7, from Mr. Smithers in front of the Kwik-E-Mart (or Spook-E-Mart). After completing his Bonus Mission, the blue circle location point of where he is found on the radar is not cleared off (the exclamation mark above his head is, however), and he does not disappear from the
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All permanently destroyed objects?
30978 made this topic 3 years ago
Those certain objects in Simpsons H&R's levels which never respawn and repair themselves upon destroying them for the first time. What are all of the types? If I can guess them all, or just mostly to my current knowledge, then let's see... Here are the categories of levels and unspawnable stuff they
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I wonder why there was no airport?
Yzma replied to 30978's topic 3 years ago
Yep, no airport depicted anywhere in Simpsons H&R. The same goes for another open-world game called "Driv3r", though only its Nice (France) map had it but the other two, Miami and Istanbul, didn't. Airports are one of modern life's standards and transportation. Anyway, I think an airport would have
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Taxi and Ambulance
mazzy replied to 30978's topic 3 years ago
You know, those two civilian vehicles - Taxi in Level 2 and Ambulance in Level 5 - could have their side missions as you drive them. Taxi collects and drops off fares to their destinations, and Ambulance picks up and takes patients to the hospital. Works exactly the same way as in the 3D Grand Theft
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In-game Costumes Issue
YaBoiJosh1 replied to their own topic 3 years ago
So there's a thing on my game that's occured which I've never encountered before. Basically I just started a new save a few days ago because I really wanted to replay the game again and I wanna go for the 100%, but for some strange reason I can already change into the different outfits... like.. the
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