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Level 6 Time Trial Race Is Unwinnable Due To A Checkpoint Glitch
108CAM made this topic 8 months ago
It's the only Street Race I can't complete and the reason is because of a glitch that can make you overshoot one of the checkpoints meaning lost time and the race being unwinnable. It also has heaps of invisible barriers that only show during race mode, blocking vital time saving shortcuts and addin
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My problem...on multiple things.
30978 replied to their own topic 3 years ago
1: I HATE "*oo*l*", because everything about them are annoying to me, from word, sounding, logo (both old and new), style, and putting their noses in everything for no reason. Just why not "Bing", then? I KNOW they're either not as successful or equally known...but I don't mind THEM as much. 2: I HA
1 replies
My second rant.
30978 replied to their own topic 3 years ago
Today I feel like wanting to share an issue that...well, not many people have, of course. In fact, it's "my" own problem I'm still having these days. -_-' Now... I know this might seem to be a weird one, but for some reason, due to my mind and coping imperfections, I find seeing all certain words th
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4 replies
My rant.
30978 replied to their own topic 3 years ago
Here I've decided to share my personal issue outside of Donut Team, with the "Rant" flair I chose, as maz himself offered to me in suggestion. Just my first-time practice doing this. On a site I come from, named DeviantArt, this particular problem I have is... Not many people there want to, or are i
6 replies
Flixzone YouTube Bot Comments
Fluffy replied to Surreal Bot's topic 3 years ago
If you're new to Donut Team, ignore the drama that happened with me and Duffhause. It isn't relevant anymore. As of April 26th 2021, I got a bunch of replies on YouTube from totally not bots advertising what appears to be a Netflix wannabe (I'm not going to check their site out). I already showed a
7 replies