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Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher 1.12.1 Released

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We have just published a new version of Lucas' Simpsons: Hit & Run Mod Launcher on our tools page of our SHAR Mods website. This update introduces several fixes for the Launcher.

Download it from the SHAR Mods tools page.

Launcher/Hack Support
- Licenses for hacks that are not loaded will not be shown in the Licences tab of the Launcher Settings window.
- The Compile button will no longer show up in the right click menu of a category that doesn't support compilable mods.
- The Advanced tab of the Launcher Settings window is now scrollable.
- Fixed a bug where the launcher window would remain disabled if the game was terminated while showing a window modal to the launcher window.
- Fixed a bug where if Close Launcher was ticked and the console window was closed while hack support was initialising, the launcher would close.
- Removed support for minifying scripts and art when compiling a mod. This fixes an issue where some files would become corrupt after compiling a mod.

Flippable Cars (Hack)
- Added a setting for whether or not chase cars can flip due to the fact that the game does not reset chase cars. This defaults to off.

Custom Files
- Fixed a bug where using GetSetting on an integer type setting would return a number.

Loren Goodwin
There's a Problem , why can't i choose where the Game Folder is Located?
Open > Launcher Settings > Advanced > Game EXE Path?