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I lost the files to my Aerostar mod PLEASE HELP!!!

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I just need to the files to update the headlight light position or remove it completely. However I noticed I can't decompile a .lmlm file using the launcher with a mod that doesn't have decompile enabled. Can somebody at donutteam that has the tools to do that help me? I did not mean for this to happen at all. My hard drive had a huge mechanical failure from it being dropped so can somebody help me get the files? Also, can somebody tell me how to remove the headlights in the p3d editor if this can be done so there is no light shining from the car? Any help would be appreciated. I got help from TheButterDonut (TheButterApple) on YouTube back in 2016, but he abandonded the DonutTeam community, And I pretty much abandoned it because this was the hardest mod I ever made and it really sucks that I can't update it anymore. There is no point in staying in a community where your sole purpose was to make something brilliant. And you fail. So can you guys please help me with this. That would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

Here is the link to the original post on Donut Team, where I linked the posted files on MEGA if a staff member at Donut Team is interested in helping me decrypt it:
Here you go: