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Clueless Mission Glitch?

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Recently I was trying to convince someone who I know to play SHaR again, since he attempted to beat it a few years back, but failed. He agreed. So, he got out the (extremely scratched) disk for his PlayStation 2, and began it. He loaded his saved game, which was on the Level 2 mission Cell Outs. He managed to progress to level 3 and the mission Clueless, where something odd happened.

The game told him to drive to the Planet Hype, so he did. When he got there, this message appeared:


Along with the HUD image of the Chase Sedan, then the game crashed.

None of this is normal, why did it happen?

When he got to the mission again after powering off, then on on his PlayStation 2, it didn't happen and the mission played as it does in my Xbox version, go to the Planet Hype and talk to Milhouse.
There's a couple of unused getaway stages, which can be succesfully re-activated (since the sedan's already loaded)
Not sure what happened here though
You can find more info on these sedans here
That's really interesting. But why did one of these chases sort-of start on his (the person who I convinced to retry the game)
version? Is there any way to trigger it?
[deleted user]
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
There is only one way to trigger those chases - removing the slashes in some stages (PC obviously)
I don't know much about PS2 version of the game, so this sounds really odd
CMB already answered correctly there about it being unused but this honestly sounds like a creepypasta. Super strange how that managed to occur on the PS2 version. Maybe the disk was so scratched, some data got scrambled and that unused objective somehow got its trigger activated?
That was my theory. The disc in question was so scratched beyond belief that I was very surprised that it worked. Now I know this sounds like I'm making this up but I swear that I am not and have not mentioned it yes because of the theory of the disc being slightly broken (and I forgot about this thread), but there was a new development. We (me and my friend) went back and tried to make it happen again. We played through the mission constantly, trying to make it happen again, and something similar finally happened.

Upon reaching the Wall-E-Weasel's, the HUD image of a Black Sedan, along with the message:
"GET AWAY FROM THE BLACK SEDAN" appeared, but that was not it. THE CHASE ACTUALLY STARTED! And by god I swear that the AI that it is using is unheard of in difficulty to avoid. We did manage to avoid the thing, but as soon as we did the game did nothing for a few seconds, and then crashed.

As much as it is the only answer I can turn to, I do have doubts about the scratched disc theory. For one, stages which aren't meant to be used are commented out with two /'s at the beginning of any string of code relating to it. The disc being scratched should not affect this.

EDIT: I read the TCRF page again, and for an AI named "easycop AI", It's kind of odd that the AI is the toughest in the game (I think).
Oh yeah, with that specific trigger, the Chase Sedan has the hardest possible chase level (actually don't quote me on that). After you manage to escape it, there is SUPPOSED to be an objective telling you to go back to Milhouse but due to it being incomplete, nothing actually appears on the map, essentially softlocking the entire mission which is probs the exact reason it crashed.

Hey not to be a sleuth or anything because I do totally believe you but if it would be possible for you to get some shaky video footage of this happening, that would be pretty epic. Uhh, y'know, if you want
Even if I did record footage, I' have nothing to upload it to (Youtube, etc).
[deleted user]
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
Create a Dropbox/MEGA/MediaFire account
Upload the video there
Leave a link here
Should do it
That's a good idea CMB, but (this sounds really odd) I can't do it yet. I have some... limitations on what I can do until I purchase a new PC. When I do, I'll do stuff like:

- Create accounts on Youtube and one of CMB's above suggestions.
- Join the Donut Team Discord.