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Omnipotence Help

Posted in Support
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I tried to port Omnipotence (an Extreme Gear bike from Sonic Riders), but every time I try to select it from the phone booth, the game crashes. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Can you post a download link of the file directory?
Yes. I can. Here:

LMLM format:

Folder format:
Hi TheFunHero,

I figured out your issue! In the car's p3d file, the old frame controller called "TEX_flame_m" is trying to reference a shader called "flame_m", I'm guessing you deleted it at some point. Take the shader from the original hover bike as well as the texture it references and restore it to your p3d file. I recommend restoring some other things, as the Omnipotence's flames aren't rendering properly.

In the future, posts like this need names people in these forums can recognize. Instead of the name of the file you're having trouble with, try to state the problem. Say: "Game crashes when particular car is loaded". Short enough, and people know what you're talking about without opening the thread.
Okay. Thank you very much.
Hope you found the help needed for your mod!