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Alternate Way To Access Cut Level 7 Areas

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Something which I discovered which I thought that I'd post.

If you drive to the far right of the blockage at the school (so that you're vehicle is stationary right next to the community center wall) and press the "RESET VEHICLE" key, the game will warp you to the nearest spawn location: on the other side of the blockage.
Hey man, have you got a screenshot of the location? cheers!

No I do not. I was using the Xbox version on Xbox hardware. Essentially, go as far right as you can at the blockage. You'll find yourself next to the way of the community center. I think you have to be facing the cut area, too.
tried this, doesn't work
What happens when you reset the vehicle? Where does it take you? Also, judging by this screenshot you're not cramming the vehicle into the very corner.
Yeah, I tried multiple times / angles. You have a go on PC.
fr though, reply back if you can get this evidence of working on pc
I don't own the PC version of the game yet.
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6 yrs ago (Statistics)
Alright, I've tried all corners of the blockage and can't get over it with this method on PC, I think it may work on the consoles because they were rushed more than the PC version was, but I may be wrong can I ask what vehicle you were using?