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Audi R8 Conversion

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Pretty interesting read, looks great so far. Good luck!
I can help you with removing the doors. What you have to do is open the .CON file for it and Set the iris teansition to 1 and set car has doors to 0. If the set iris transition line is not their you can copy it from a traffic vehicle .CON file as they usually have it (except level 7 traffic vehicles.

As for how to add the car in to the game without replacing another you have to download lucas car renamer, then rename the .p3d to something no other car is using, then open the file with the car renamer and set the index to a number not used by any other car. After that you have to give the file a internal name (I reccomened checking "use .p3d file name). After this you have to put the model in art/frontend/dyanload/cars (make sure there is still a model in the normal cars folder. After that you just have to edit the reward.mfk and add the car to a gil store. Finally you should be able to buy the car from gil.

Hope this helped and sorry if some things are wrong because I was on my phone when I wrote this and had to go off of memory, so sorry if I am forgetting something.


These are the lines you want:
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
I got rid of the police doors by re-importing the mesh files for the Ferrini's doors and replacing the .obj files with an empty one. @jrburger95 and @Gibstack both suggested changing SetHasDoors(1); to SetHasDoors(0); in bart_v.con but for some reason this still showed the doors in-game.

I increased the speed of the car by changing SetTopSpeedKmh(150.0); to SetTopSpeedKmh(180.0); in bart_v.con.

I increased the shininess by changing SetShininess(0.2); to SetShininess(0.25); in bart_v.con.

I used the traffic car 'iris' entrance animation by adding SetIrisTransition(1); to bart_v.con (thanks @jrburger95).

Whenever I exit the vehicle the player spawns inside the R8 and can't get out unless they jump out of the car. This happens 9/10 times. Is there a way to stop this from happening?

This is what I meant earlier about the model not having a bottom:

Still left to do:
- Allign wheels (thanks @Loren Goodwin)
- Allign lights/smoke (thanks @Loren Goodwin)
- Fix player exit bug (any help?)
- Re-centre R8 model (it's not centred for some reason)
- Import custom wheel mesh
- Add bottom to mesh (maybe)
- Fix collision model (maybe)
- Add custom image to the phone booth screen
- Optimise textures
- Add the vehicle without replacing Bart's Ferrini (thanks @jrburger95)

(Continued further down)
Looking very good mate, there's an audi r8 in TOS which was made by DerpyDosh however we had the issue where glass wasn't transparent. I have no idea how he made his though. Would this be available for download? (obviously when finished)
After seeing this I tried to import a model of a bus and it went horrible.
Meanwhile, nobody realizes that the Audi R8 he's trying to port, already got ported into Asphalt Rivals then into TOS. The model is from Need for Speed Carbon.
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
but this one is not in a modpack, besides, support him, he making a good effort here.
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
@EternalHD thanks. I sent DerpyDosh a message on YouTube but he hasn't been active in a while. I went with solid black 'tinted' windows because transparent ones make other parts of the the car see-through (see the second post). When I'm finished I'll make the .lmlm file and the uncompiled source files available for download.

@jrburger95 It's just a case of trial and error, make sure models are the correct scale/format/triangulated etc.

@Silent This thread is meant to serve just as much as a 'tutorial'/learning of the conversion process as it is about the actual car itself.
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
I re-scaled the model in Blender by comparing it to the original bart_vShape.

I re-centred the model in Blender.

I made the wheel model symmetrical in Blender because Hit and Run doesn't mirror the wheel mesh for the left hand side of the car(so the inner side of the mesh would shown on the outside of the left-hand wheels).

I imported and textured the custom wheel model.

I alligned the wheels by changing the co-ordinates of "w0", "w1", "w2" and "w3" in the "bart_v" skeleton (thanks @Loren Goodwin).

I made a crude guide in Paint to help me with the alignment.

I reduced the texture sizes from 512x512 to 4x4 (the textures are solid colour so there is no reason for large sizes).

I re-textured some parts of the mesh to get the colours more accurate to the actual car).

I added a custom phonebooth picture by importing a custom .png in ...\art\frontend\dynaload\images\cars2D\bart_v.p3d and ...\art\frontend\dynaload\images\cars2D\bart_vD.p3d

I had to make the picture narrower because it appeared stretched in-game for some reason.

I tried to allign the headlights and tail-lights by editing the co-ordinates in the "bart_v" skeleton but for some reason the lights won't move in-game (any help?).

Still left to do:
- Allign lights/smoke (any help @Loren Goodwin?)
- Fix player exit bug (any help?)
- Add bottom to mesh (maybe)
- Fix collision model (maybe)
- Add the vehicle without replacing Bart's Ferrini (thanks @jrburger95)
- Re-size shadow

(Continued further down)
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
well you've added lights, the thing they didn't add on some custom models in donut mod, so that is a plus.