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Stealable Police car/ Mission NPC Cars

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Would it be possible to make a Mod or Hack that allows the player to steal The police cars that chase you during hit and run or steal NPC cars during a mission?
possible not, especially for the hit and run chase vehicles due to the fact you'd either get busted before you could even enter it or the game would possibly crash if you managed to enter, also due to the fact it could break missions or simply due to how the game is made.
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
You would have to modify how hit and run works. not the game obviously, I meant the thing in-game
[deleted user]
9 yrs ago (Statistics)
I feel it would be possible because there have been a lot of cool hacks and mods that make the game do things even cooler than this so I feel it could be possible.
this would most likely break the game even if you managed to make it work

There's no way that could ever happen.
I Don't understand what happened, then the game crashed?
or you can control the car? and you can't get out of it?
or the AI still controls it?
because it would be a awesome thing in a race IMO
Took me a minute to realize what was actually going on.

You made a mod playing L2M1 from Skinners' perspective, right?
Would you look at that, it is possible.