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Is Donut Team still active?

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Yeah, "this" site. Even I tried to contact Donut Team via email through "" a few times before, but... Still no response from any of their owners. All I asked one time was about Lucas Cardellini's classic "tweak" feature for Simpsons H&R, which used to be around since 2008 (I guess), but then, it doesn't seem to appear on his "Lucas Stuff" site now for whatever reason. You know that tweak, right? It's where you can choose and summon any vehicle to use, that are normally unusable or deleted from game, like the Black Ferrini Alien Car with a "dummy driver" inside or Ice Cream Truck with a cone on its roof resembling Marge herself. Also I think I remember the tweak must of had other different tools as well like changing the appearance of pedestrians and traffic cars in the game's levels.

So... About Donut Team. Is it still active, or not? I'm even wondering if Donut Mod 4 will receive a final version in the future. Its beta version is still currently featured on this site's home page.
Hi @AshleyGamer1995,

I want to apologize that we haven't gotten back to you sooner, but hopefully I can clear somethings up in this.

I am the only one who replies to support emails. We rely heavily on our forum or Discord for non-essential or less important support because the community can often help while we're away.
I checked and they ended up going to our spam filter for one reason or another; which is why we never saw them. We rarely look in our spam filter for false positives because of the mass amounts of spam we receive.

In terms of Lucas' Simpsons: Hit & Run Tweak: We do not officially support, release or maintain Lucas' Tweak for various reasons. However, someone has reuploaded it if you insist on having it:

I'd also like to give clarification to your mod request: - I noticed you replied about no one replying, I'd like to say that the majority of the community aren't interested in fulfilling mod requests. In fact, we have more people playing mods than making them. You can always join the Discord and learn how to make mods yourself. As long as you're willing to learn and are appreciative, people usually will help out in that front.

In terms of us still being active. The simple answer is yes we are still active.

But the long answer is that's a difficult question to answer and this probably isn't the correct avenue to officially discuss that, but I'll give some information.

Since the end of 2019, we've been working at less than half capacity. A lot of staff members have been burned out, working on personal or other projects, or are not simply not as interested as we were when we started this. Before we founded Donut Team, Loren and I were very interested in developing our own video games. However just by luck, we stumbled into creating a modding scene and made amazing friends like @Kenny Giles , @Lucas Cardellini and too many others to name here. When we founded Donut Team, I was 16 and my curiosity in the video game scene drove a lot of interest in The Simpsons: Hit & Run modding. I am now 24 and am more interested in cementing my career, building a life with my partner and fulfilling what I wanted to do before this project. Since about 2016-2017, I've strictly worked on the community website, public relations and other community centric efforts.

This doesn't mean we don't care about the community or that our projects are done and over with now. We have a lot left we want to finish and a lot left to work on before the curtain drops. I just think we're not all hands on deck currently and I hope in the near future we can find solutions to these things that create this disconnect.

Jake Andreøli
Community Director
To Jake:

I think I understand most of this you wrote to me about, Jake. And I just want to say that I'm terribly sorry for those few writeups I made in my email too. I always do my best to be aware of people who may either be busy or are absent. Also, sadly no, I'm not a game or mod-making sort of person myself, nor do I know how to, 'cause I never experienced that hobby, or wasn't born with it. I'm more of a gamer who plays, enjoys and makes progress on games like Simpsons H&R here. I've also been working on playing through Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, that's just been officially released by Nintendo for their Switch console on 16th July a week ago, and man, that's seriously a lot of stuff in that game to do than Simpsons H&R (How are they comparable? XD), it took me 50 hours in total play time so far right now.

Anyway, about my one little reply saying no one has replied to me about my Krystal skin mod idea, I understand your meaning there too, Jake. But it's just that one little response I made, not that I would choose to make another in complaining the same. That topic was just my asking if there's a skin of Krystal for Simpsons H&R, or if it can be created. And though I posted this topic in "Mod Requests", yes I do know that not many people are interested or inclined to discuss this with me than I expected, but like to play more mods. It was just my suggestion of an idea, really. But again, I'm not really a creative person in making custom mods and stuff. My life is more simple for whatever reason. =/
applause to both 👏
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...Yeah well, the download for this Tweak on that site WOULD of still worked, if it hadn't been for that error page otherwise. Now, I cannot get the Tweak. How...UNLUCKY for me. :/ -_-
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"Donut Tweak" is an old, legacy application which is not supported anymore. It is recommended by Lucas himself that you do not use it, as it can mess up your install.

I guess whoever hosted it deleted the file. I'm pretty grateful that I saved it.