Announcement Video, 22 February 2016
Posted in Announcements
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Fluffy An announcement video is coming on 22 February 2016
An announcement video is coming on 22 February 2016
Trainman84 What's it about?
What's it about?
Fluffy You'll find out then.
You'll find out then.
Trainman84 Hopefully good news. I'm really starting to take an interest in creating things for SHAR. Just need the time to sit and do so. Time which has been in short supply lately.
Hopefully good news. I'm really starting to take an interest in creating things for SHAR. Just need the time to sit and do so. Time which has been in short supply lately.
Fluffy The news is good.
The news is good.
[deleted user] It is something about Donut Mod?
It is something about Donut Mod?
Shiinyu Donut Mod 4. That's what it is.
Donut Mod 4. That's what it is.
Koopa I'm so excited :O
I'm so excited :O
Gibstack Donut Mod 3.2: Electric Boogaloo?
Donut Mod 3.2: Electric Boogaloo?
Kenny Giles Donut Mod 4. That's what it is.
Not quite. It's something else that will hopefully make Donut Mod a bit more enjoyable, and show that we're still continuing to make progress on the m
Donut Mod 4. That's what it is.
Not quite. It's something else that will hopefully make Donut Mod a bit more enjoyable, and show that we're still continuing to make progress on the mod.