This hack implements first person vision from eyes of character you're playing (or another driver) when driving a car using bumper camera for it.
It also has settings:
- FOV – camera Field Of View
- hFOV – camera horizontal Field Of View
- Near clip – distance from camera where geometry will be clipped
- Always use driver view if possible – if enabled and if your car has custom driver, the hack will use vision from his eyes rather than your character ones
- Bouncing – if enabled, the camera will bounce up and down along with your character
Warning! The hack was not tested in Best Seller Series release of the game, so functioning of hack on that release is not guaranteed!
Installation: extract Hacks folder to your Mod Launcher directory (merge if you already have one)
Activation: open the Mod Launcher, go to "Settings" tab and tick "First Person Camera In Car" checkbox
Activation in game: get in car and switch to bumper camera either in game settings (Options->Settings->Camera) or by pressing "Change camera" button (Num 0 by default)
Source code:
Huge thanks to:
- Josh / Proddy – his SHARMemory library helped me find addresses of some structures
- EnAppelsin – I learned from his WAD Support source code how to make hacks. Also took some code from there
- Lucas Cardellini – his Hacks.dll low-level code helped me find location of some data needed for the hack in game's memory