Hey guys, I'm uploading a mod demo for a mod that I'm calling Grand Theft Auto: Hit and Run. The aim of this mod is to add missions to SHAR that are more similar to GTA, just not as violent or gory. So far all I've got is two missions of level 1 done, the tutorial mission and mission 1. Leave any ideas/feedback/questions/bugs below, I'm still learning a lot about missions.
This video does not represent the current mod at this time, I have since added more to it, and that took an hour to upload.
Download it here
Mod name poll: Here
GTA: H&R mod demo
Posted in SHAR: Mod Showcase
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DouglasColvin Hey guys, I'm uploading a mod demo for a mod that I'm calling Grand Theft Auto: Hit and Run. The aim of this mod is to add missions to SHAR that are more similar to GTA, just not as violent
[deleted user] Already love it! keep it up!
Already love it! keep it up!
[deleted user] I like the Idea M8. Also I don't want to sound cheeky asking this, but is there any chance that I could help u with this mod? I have a few ideas for it.
I like the Idea M8. Also I don't want to sound cheeky asking this, but is there any chance that I could help u with this mod? I have a few ideas for it.
DouglasColvin I guess, yeah. What works best for you?
I guess, yeah. What works best for you?
[deleted user]
[deleted user] I had an idea of making the game more san Andrea's like. I cant do hex editing or any coding. however I know how to edit Music, audio, and textures. I might also be able to port san andreas cars
I had an idea of making the game more san Andrea's like. I cant do hex editing or any coding. however I know how to edit Music, audio, and textures. I might also be able to port san andreas cars into the game with the small amount of knowledge that i have on porting. if u want I could just make a decompilable lmlm and send it to u.
DouglasColvin Sounds cool. How do you want to send it?
Sounds cool. How do you want to send it?
[deleted user] I could put another download Link up on the site, or i could send it u through either e-mail or skype.
I could put another download Link up on the site, or i could send it u through either e-mail or skype.
DouglasColvin Sounds good, We'll cross that bridge when it comes I guess
Sounds good, We'll cross that bridge when it comes I guess
[deleted user] Okay then, ill start as soon as i find my san andreas disc. then i will tell you when i have a bit done.
Okay then, ill start as soon as i find my san andreas disc. then i will tell you when i have a bit done.