Forum Mod Bakery Docs

Mission Creator/Editor

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[deleted user]
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
I tried, while developing HA, but, nothing except crashes happened. Maybe there is a way, but, I don't know
By the way, is there a way to add more car sellers besides Barney and Gil in level 1?

I tried it, but it ended up with selling Plow King and with Barney's dialogue...
[deleted user]
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
Don't try to add more features, that game can have
In short: Probably, no
Meanwhile, is there an existing discussion about what do "both" or "nearest road", or "neither" stuff mean?
[deleted user]
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
I actually don't know about them, ask someone from DT staff, they may know
how i can edit a mission?

sorry my bad english im from uruguay
Already asked this in it’s own separate help thread.

Please don’t repeat the same mistake again. Bumping a thread this old asking for assistance in general is needless. Any similar bumps can result in bigger action being taken.

Topic is also being locked as the topic creator has created a couple of custom campaign mods since this and discussion has kinda died down since this was posted. Feel free to contact me though if you feel the thread should be reopened for future discussion, but it might be better outright to create a new thread? It’s definitely a tool request that’s popped up before.
