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Beta Features Mod (Poll Closed)

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Ok,i'll try It. There's Another locator in the beta file called "stonecutters_tunnel_in02" or something similar. You didn't Say to Copy It. Do I have to Copy It?
My mistake, yes, you do copy stonecutters_tunnel_in_2. Edited that into the list just now.
It worked! I realised the crash was caused by something else: I started the game in level 2, and i had to go to level 1 manually, but i just tried to start a new game in level 1 and it worked! The music isn't buggy like in the PS2 version.
The last locator in your list was called "suburbs489" and not "suburbs_489". I found it by searching "suburbs" till it got to it.
UPDATE RELEASED! See the main post for details.
Help needed! I just discovered another unused music region: "scarymusic_01", above the kwik-e-mart roof. In l7_music.rms the locator is present, but it doesn't play in game. Is the problem due to the l7_TERRA file again? I've looked in the files but I couldn't find anything.
There are four locators in L7_TERRA.P3D named KEM_rooftop_1 through 4. Change the event in these locators from 54 to 56 and scarymusic_01 should play atop the Kwik-E-Mart.
My apologies for that erroneous underscore in suburbs489, I've now updated my list to display the correct name.
UPDATE! Check the main thread for info.
PS: there's a last thing to do: add the beta movies. I'll try to do it and then i'll post the results.
I tried replacing the level 1 introduction with the one from the proto, but it just doesn't load.
I've tried the bink video tools but the game crashed the same!
Update: Watch the main thread!