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Beta Features Mod (Poll Closed)

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this is very cool! keep it like that and you'll get an excellent beta mod
@Femenia thank you! I'll try to improve this mod as much as I Can.
i have beta character icons if you want i can give them to you

I know I am not who that reply was aimed at, but I would love to have those beta HUD Icons. Can you post a download link here?


I'd like to correct some information that you posted on the main post of this thread, and that is that the Level 4 Simpsons' House touch Gag where Homer eats cheese is not unused.
Femenia, i'm just reading the messages, and i'd like to have those icons. DM me on discord (if you have) to give them to me.
DeepFriedBurger Yeah,i know, it's just very hard to see.
However, this is an old thread, so Femenia, please send me a link to the beta icons on the new thread: