More Springfield Landmarks
Posted in SHAR: Mod Showcase
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JTN The good thing of the Fully concected mpa is that it gives more space to place buildings, so expect some buildings to be relocated compared to the main version, If the Mall doesn't look good in t
The good thing of the Fully concected mpa is that it gives more space to place buildings, so expect some buildings to be relocated compared to the main version, If the Mall doesn't look good in that place I will have to move it.
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Fatonyfan99 is this still in development ?
is this still in development ?
JTN Sorry for being absent in a year, to be hones I was feeling overwhelmed with this mod, the scale and the amount of work required started to feel like a chore, I was also trying to extract the road
Sorry for being absent in a year, to be hones I was feeling overwhelmed with this mod, the scale and the amount of work required started to feel like a chore, I was also trying to extract the road rage downtown level so I could acelerate things but I guess i have to create my own buildings.
Anyway, now I'm back at it , and I hope I can finish at least the 1st three levels , here are some new stuff.
Anyway, now I'm back at it , and I hope I can finish at least the 1st three levels , here are some new stuff.

Xya Awesome stuff.
And yeah, never let a hobby turn into a chore.
If a project gets on top of you, take a break. From these new screenshots I can tell you really want to do this mod justice
Awesome stuff.
And yeah, never let a hobby turn into a chore.
If a project gets on top of you, take a break. From these new screenshots I can tell you really want to do this mod justice
And yeah, never let a hobby turn into a chore.
If a project gets on top of you, take a break. From these new screenshots I can tell you really want to do this mod justice
JTN Thanks for undestanding, I will try not take such a long break.
Anyway, I have more thing to show and this time with fun facts
Frink's house, the road rage
Thanks for undestanding, I will try not take such a long break.
Anyway, I have more thing to show and this time with fun facts
Frink's house, the road rage hover car was added to make sense of the collisions, as I don't want to mess with them. It is subject to change tho.
Mrs Glick's (the old lady Bart does chores for in "Three Men and a Comic Book") house. like with the Van Houten house ,I got the model from the background of the Shadow of the Colossal Donut from The Simpsons Game , apparently the Beta had a bigger springfield hub with more iconic locations.
Ther developers may had their reasons to reduce it, but I can't stop thinking that we got an inferior Springfield hub after watching this ,still love the SImpsons Game tho, the conbination of this and Hit & Run would create the definitive Simpsons game.
Hal Roach apartaments. (jacqueline Bouvier's home), as the sing says where is located, I put it in the cementery area, it doesn't look as out of place as I thought.
Town square buildings. You would be surprised by how consistent this set of buildings was throughout the Town square appearences, I got a collage form different episodes to see it;
Zesty's and the house looking building can be seen even to this day, conveniencePlus doesn't seem to appear anymore and Page's either appears with a blank sing or is replaced by other buildings like Springfield Hardware (wich I will put in the town square too) or a bakery in the modern opening.
I would not add random background buildings if it wasn't for this consistency.
Anyway, I have more thing to show and this time with fun facts

Ther developers may had their reasons to reduce it, but I can't stop thinking that we got an inferior Springfield hub after watching this ,still love the SImpsons Game tho, the conbination of this and Hit & Run would create the definitive Simpsons game.

Zesty's and the house looking building can be seen even to this day, conveniencePlus doesn't seem to appear anymore and Page's either appears with a blank sing or is replaced by other buildings like Springfield Hardware (wich I will put in the town square too) or a bakery in the modern opening.
I would not add random background buildings if it wasn't for this consistency.
JTN Happy new year everyone, here are some new updates.
Cracker factory, the salt silos belong to the cracker factory,as seen in "Skinner's Sense of Snow",
Happy new year everyone, here are some new updates.
Cracker factory, the salt silos belong to the cracker factory,as seen in "Skinner's Sense of Snow", so this was the most logical place to put it.
Buck Mccoy's mansion
Kent Brockman's mansion (or giant castle, as Arnie Pie would say), it changes of coloring often so I choose the coloration in its later
appearances. The "as seen on TV" sign was inspired by his mailbox in Virtual Springfield.
Country club
99,66 and 33 cent stores, you may notice I placed them where I originally placed "circus of values", I moved it to level 3 as one of the building of the Mall, as I think these stores looks better here and doesn't stand out as much. not the only building I moved.
Frorence of Arabia and Mud City, placed where I originally placed Sleep Eazy, as I thought it looked out of place there, I moved it to the entrance of Matlock Expressway near Herman's military antiques, as I think it works better there.
Springfield-X theater, I think I converted this area in the street of lust now that I think about it.

appearances. The "as seen on TV" sign was inspired by his mailbox in Virtual Springfield.

mazzy Ohhh those are great! I like how their quality is slightly consistent with Radical's.
Ohhh those are great! I like how their quality is slightly consistent with Radical's.
Xya And here's me thinking TSHAR had it all. They missed a lot of stuff. I'll get to explore the world of TSHAR all over again. Love it.
And here's me thinking TSHAR had it all. They missed a lot of stuff. I'll get to explore the world of TSHAR all over again. Love it.
TheNachoman180 This is looking really awesome. Any downloads of your current progress yet?
This is looking really awesome. Any downloads of your current progress yet?