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[The Simpsons Hit and Run: Yellow Shift] Alpha 2.2

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[deleted user]
7 yrs ago (Statistics)
Just to keep in mind, there are a large handful of mods being developed right now. This year will be VERY exciting for mod content!

Also all these mods I guarantee will be superior to Yellow Shift ;)

Thomas Donofri
Now isn't this something? Seems this happens to every single mod I like, aside from Donut Mod, of course. The developer discontinues it. Or it dies off somehow, or gets abandoned. What is it? Me liking a mod is like a kiss of death around here or something?
That tends to happen with fan projects like these, since sometimes peoples' outside lives or other passions can get in the way. As a positive, the three of us that I mentioned earlier are creating bigger and better mods. If we had the opportunity one day to revisit this mod in particular, I wouldn't be opposed to it. However, it probably won't happen. Don't worry about it man - you're not the only one who sees mods discontinued. It happens, but I hope you like the new mod we're making.
Yeah, I know how it goes. Even my own projects, in real life, with model railroad construction, there's weeks I am gung-ho working hard on them, then weeks little gets done. Then certain parts of them that get put down for a few months, then either revisited and finished or removed to make room for something else. Started on a cannery a few months ago, got distracted with something else. Finally finished the cannery a couple days ago when my interest in it picked up again. All I can do is provide encouragement, much as having a couple dozen boxcars that in real life, would carry canned food, was encouragement to "Give them a home" and finish the cannery.
I'm glad you understand, and thanks for the encouragement with our mods. We appreciate it.
[deleted user]
7 yrs ago (Statistics)
Out of curiosity, does anyone still have the mod somewhere? I'd like to play it sometime, even though I heard it was a bit difficult but I'd like to play all these mods that were created over time (I was saving them for this summer) and sadly the download links of Snake's Day Off and Yellow Shift don't work anymore. It's sad that these mods were cancelled but I'd still like to play them, even if they weren't as good as you guys wanted them to be.

Anyway YoursDiddilyTruly, good luck with the new mod. I'm looking forward to it.
I was wondering the same thing too. It would be cool to play that mod again. even though it never will be finished. it's really a bummer that they removed the link for the mod because even though this mod isn't In development anymore some people would like to play the mod. it is sad that a link to this mod doesn't exist on the internet anymore because I would love to play it again
[deleted user]
7 yrs ago (Statistics)
If a dev from pancake team gives me permission, I can upload the mod in it's current state.
I think i have it uploaded on my MEGA, but i can't link it without permission, so NO for now!qtABxAqC!kC4RJIYoWhs_5FPopFW6Y_M1UD5KydEGsAsJEW3Yn28

Here is the link, it's the latest, I think