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[The Simpsons Hit and Run: Yellow Shift] Alpha 2.2

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7 yrs ago (Statistics)
ideas/bugs that i want to see them added/fixed in this mod

second armor truck pointer missing during rated m for marge - i've seen it. and i would love to if you fixed it
difficulty:easy medium and hard - your timers makes the game a little harder for new players. it would be nice if you add difficulty to your game. that way easy has more time than the original one
more dialogue *especially level 2* - no comment*coz i don't know what to say*
Thanks for the feedback on the mod. Unfortunately, Yellow Shift is currently under hiatus and won't be worked on for a while.

The difficulty is a good idea, and it's not currently implemented because the mod is coded in MFK, and not Lua. If we ever change some scripts to Lua, we'll be sure to take that into consideration. Anyway, I think the current difficulty is where it is because the mod is meant to appeal to an audience that is very familiar with The Simpsons: Hit and Run.

To conclude, we're not sure what directions we're taking with Yellow Shift, and I'm not promising any future releases. But hopefully we'll be able to create new levels, tweak old ones, and continue this mod.
(Welp, it seems to be active now. Better post ever than never.)
I didn't like this mod that much. The missions are like ''waste more than 2 seconds and you're done!'', and I don't find them very fun most of the time. Marge's driving theme is obnoxious, but I enjoyed Skinner's theme. The wasps... well, they're certainly cryptic, although it's my fault for going out of my way to find them. Also, if Marge's story is taking place at the same time as Homer's, then should street races actually be there due to them, y'know, being there for Homer? Aside from that, I did like the whole idea of having two consecutive stories taking place at once. I liked the images in the pre-mission screens, the names were pretty clever, and some of the concepts were really neat to me(like that one where you had to use Mr. Plow to pick up and bury nuclear waste while avoiding a steadily increasing number of chase cars.), however, as I said, most of them are hampered by near-perfect time limits. All in all, while it's one of my least favourite, it's still far, FAR from a bad mod. I give it a 6.5/10.
Thanks for your feedback as well; I can't say much, as I didn't create any missions in this mod. However, if this mod is ever continued, we'll take your advice into account. The difficulty, as I said, appeals to an audience that likes hard missions, but I agree that it could use some tweaking. Hopefully you would enjoy yourself more if difficulty settings, perhaps an easy and a hard mode, were added. The difficulty seems to be your main gripe, so I'll leave my response at that.
Glad to see you're planning to take my advice, but I think you misinterpreted about my difficulty statement. You don't need to make an easy and a hard mode, but that'd be nice, for instance, in easy, you could make the time limits more forgiving and remove some of the objectives, on hard, however, instead of adjusting the time limits to be pretty unfair, you make them slightly harder(but not remove like 30 seconds) and make you do more to finish a mission (e.g follow the nuclear truck before you can start depositing the waste and make it so that all of the drivers appear at once.) That way, while it'd still be difficult, it'd actually be a pretty fair challenge, since you'd have margin for error. And for your information, I beat both of the levels in the mod 100%, so I know what I'm talking about here :P
All in all, with a little bit of polish, and some difficulty balancing(easy, normal, hard to make it more accessible), this could easily become one of my favourite mods. But in its current state, it'd only appeal to long time players(experts) of the game.
EDIT: oh yeah, the collector cards. They're actually a part of the mod I enjoy, they're not hard to find, but they're hard to get and require clever thinking. All in all, I'm actually looking forward to more locations like these.
You can thank Ted Depi for those nice card locations; he did a great job on those.

Anyway, back to the difficulty thing: I don't think any times in the mod are unfair. I understand if some of them are challenging, but your gripe about the difficulty is very dependent upon the traits of the user, so it's something that has to be considered with target audience in mind. The difficulty standard for this mod, as you said, appeals to long-time players; that's an intentional aspect of the mod. As your experience demonstrates, one difficulty setting can't necessarily please everyone, which is why this mod would get multiple difficulty settings if it ever gets another update. I do understand that some missions can be frustrating, but that mostly falls on the design or length of certain missions as opposed to the time limit in my opinion. As for your mention of balancing difficulty with mission length rather than time limits, I don't personally think this would be the best way to go about it. Different settings appeal to different people, so time limits you don't like could be enjoyable for a different audience. Also, if this mod ever gets difficulty settings, I would lean towards only having an easy mode and a hard mode (I would have to ask others as well, but yeah), as a normal mode wouldn't quite distinguish itself enough among the other two. Thanks so much for your willingness to give feedback as well as your honesty. Cheers.
Glad to see another response for you. As for the length statement, looking back at it now, it may not have been the greatest idea, but it'd have been more unique than sharp time limits. Also, yeah, I agree, some players might enjoy those time limits. I didn't. I think there was one mission where you had to go to Moe's Tavern in 40 seconds with a vehicle, I remember losing 3 seconds and failing as a result. That's what spawned my argument of strict time limits, I mean, when you think about it: would you rather have longer missions, or have near-perfect time limits to beat? I'd honestly prefer the former, because as tedious as it may be, it is more forgiving and thus, it gives you more ''freedom''. Also, I'm pretty surprised you didn't find any time limits in the mod even slightly unfair, because trust me, I played and there were some instances where I lost due to pretty much the time limits. However, I do disagree with your difficulty modes. Sure, you could have a easy and a hard mode, but what if easy turns out to be too easy and hard turns out to be too hard? You either strap yourself out of any challenge or you frustrate yourself to no end. In my opinion, there needs to be a middle, a normal mode. Make normal mode be the standard, and change it accordingly in ''easy'' and ''hard'' mode settings. Also, I'm glad you're appreciating my honesty, and I like to give feedback when I can :P
[deleted user]
7 yrs ago (Statistics)
i also want to mention a few things about the issues you have found with the mod

no races
max removed them because he couldnt get them to work probably because of dialogue issues. i dont know why we never fixed that and i hope we do in the next update.

the music
im actually more annoyed that you liked the level 2 theme than disliking level 1 theme because it was one of the laziest things i have made. im going to have another look at both of them soon and redo them.

time limits
i have had a go at max for his bulls**t time limits in level 2 and for some reason he wouldnt change them. now that im in control of yellow shift i will increase the time limits slightly.

the alternate story line
i glad that you liked the idea of that. max did a good job on the storyline for the first level. we are unsure about what to do with our main storyline as level 3 is pretty much scrapped unless we want to try and finish it off so im planning on something different for that level.
Oh, hello there. Well, I'll reply to all your points like this:
''no races'' couldn't he have just removed the dialogue altogether and make the mission screen appear? Glad to see you're trying to fix it.
''the music'' lazy? It sounds pretty cool in my opinion, especially compared to the first level's obnoxious music.
''time limits'' see? I told you the time limits were pretty strict. Glad to see you're gonna fix them.
''the alternate story line'' hm... not sure about this one.